The map was created by the duo Camax, formed by Maximaxou and Gos]cam, who gave me the right to upload their map here.
The slide :
The slide is a genre of map apparented to Mazes and Escapes.
It's caracterized by the system of movement which is sliding : Periodic move of the hero on the ice, in his facing direction, and with the possibility to turn.
Maybe some here know slides under the name of Ice escapes, Ice skating and such.
The map itself :
The map include 8 (if my memory is good) levels.
The difficulty is Hard, and nobody finished it at the moment.
There is various unit-types including some specials (dragons that breath fire for example), 3 different slide terrain types, including a reverse sliding (also known as mirror sliding) terrain, a fast sliding terrain and a normal one.
Credits :
The map was created using Max Escape Creation, a tool created by Maximaxou (one of the map's creator), which is available in the Tool section.
All the Dino models were done by olofmoleman from
Changelog :
Not Available
So, that's all. Enjoy that slide and do your best to finish it.
PS : The map is protected.
Slide, Dino, Dinosaur, Maximaxou, Gos]cam, Camax, SliD.