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My representation of the dark lord
himself... satan/lucifer/the devil.

All drawn from scratch, apart from the
weapon, which was just darkened and
given incresed contrast, and the horns,
which were re-coloured.


Satyr, Lucifer, Devil, Evil, chaos, hell, fel, demon, red, doom

Devil (Texture)

THE_END: Pretty good skin, wish you changed the weapon a lil more




THE_END: Pretty good skin, wish you changed the weapon a lil more
Level 4
Oct 20, 2004
This would look awsome remodeled with no weapon, or remodeled with a pitchfork or something like that. and maybe like big lower teeth that came up...or upper teeth...like a pertruding jaw look.

(P.S. Satan and Lucifer were actually 2 different people...or....whatever they are...)
Level 13
Jul 28, 2004
there isnt cnping, i thank you for that. the shoulder muscle is wrongly drawn, since anatomicly speaking the deltoide fuses with the biceps and the triceps, you might want to get that big brown line out of here, and put it to the right of the deltoid.
on the pects, there is a U-shaped lightning that isn't really accurate to the reality. you might want to put some bumps on the torso http://calamar.univ-ag.fr/uag/staps/cours/anat/myo/pop_mu/dentele.jpg

the face is exagerated, but thats not nesceseraly a bad thing... but his nose wrong.
you could use, especially for his skin, another color than red, you could use slight shades of purple/blue or yellow, since nearly nothing in this world only have one color, human aren't tan, but their global color is tan.
Level 5
Oct 21, 2004
Nice, I like this skin, it's a simple concept, but the result is a perfect example of the "classic" look for the Devil. And, wormskull, his skin is supposed to be red. That's what the look for the traditional Devil is. Awsome skin, 5/5.
Level 13
Jul 28, 2004
if demons are red then humans are tan, without any variations. even an apple have some pink or purple, even if you dont notice them. if you take a photography of an apple, then set it in redscale in photoshop, there will be a difference.
red or not red, his skin lacks of variationsé
Level 5
Aug 3, 2004
dude wormboy.. again with the anatomicly correct skins? how would u know the devil/lucifer (whichever) has the same anatomie as a human.... about the skin i think its looks pretty good 4/5 though maybe make the sword a little more demonish
Level 12
May 27, 2004
Thanks for the comments...

Sponge - Actually lucifer was the arch-angel, he was
banished to hell by god and became satan. :p

Wormskull - 1, I'm a medical student so know a little
about anatomy, the deltoid does not fuse with the
biceps or triceps at any point.
2, He's not human, so the muscles can be done
however I want (within reason), which they are.
3, I like the nose... gives the face an individual
4, I get your point about the colouring, I (had I had
the idea) would have used a more purply colour to the
recesses... but I didn't so :( , never mind, I will
remember next time. :)

Thanks Konblade, Boom_Heffer, Cold-Voice, alfredx-sotn
and weeniedog, nice comments all round. :D

Level 4
Mar 21, 2004
This is one great daemonic skin. Dont recolor. Its Perfect!
And Wormskull needs a shrink, so that he can stop arguing with those few skinners who actually can make 5'er skins.
Level 13
Jul 28, 2004
rider, you might be a medical student, but on the appaerence, it do look like the deltoid fuses, or atleast it doesnt come out in a such dramatic rate, you're a bit rusty. look at a photography of an humanoids next time when you skin
Level 12
May 27, 2004
wormskull - got your point... enough already, I
responded with my opinion, there is no need for you
to make such a comment. :roll:
I find your "rusty" comment offensive, and would
rather you left insulting remarks in your head
instead of posting them here, essentially what you
have posted is slander. :evil:
Final comment - he's not human, or indeed humanoid.
humans do not have hooves, horns or tails for example.
Level 13
Jul 28, 2004
b17rider, horns would be extra bones on head, hooves, or a horse leg would still have a similar, logical functional musculate. a horse and a human feet, altho being from very different species, have a similar musculature, beceause they both live in the same conditions. my cat have a tail, isnt it just a bunch of additional bones?

your deltoid is wrong, sorry. it might be a demon, but since he have human arms, lives on a planet with a certain pressure, i dont see why he would have a different deltoid, that's pure non sense. you're just trying to find an exit beceause you're too lazy to edit it- to improve it.

you got an dic's award, deserve it or not, you should try to improve your skin.
Level 4
Aug 4, 2004
Hey wormskull, who the #@#$ will care about the muscles in game? . A very small flaw in the muscles does NOT harm anything since you never never see it in the game.

Go on to Doom III skin sections and comment your @#$$#$ over there. This is a warcraft skin!
Level 12
May 27, 2004
Thanks for all the latest comments, and the
director's choice award. Very much appreciated. :D

Arcanister - read the rules, no CAPS-LOCK type stuff,
you may want to edit your post, or chances are you'll
get a formal warning from the mods. :shock:

Eusira - having not played warcraft II that much, I
wouldn't know, but thanks all the same. :oops:

Wormskull - I can't be bothered to answer you, there
is no point, you'll just keep whinging about the
deltoid. :roll:

Again thanks for the comments... hmmm what to skin
next??? :D :D
Level 5
Aug 3, 2004
again replying on wormboy... u said something like a horse and a human living in the same conditions... this is not a human... this guy lives in hell. i dont really see alot of simularities between hell and where a horse ussualy lives... then to the "lives on a planet with a certain presure... how do u know there isnt alot more presure.. (not that presure has anything to do with the forming of muscles) u prob ment gravity well maybe there is alot of diff in gravity in hell ever thought of that? no i guess not seeing as the comments u post ussualy end up in bla bla bla look at me i know alot (while even that doesnt really seem to be) and about the skin i think it did deserve the DC becous it is a very good skin
Level 4
Aug 4, 2004
These are the in-game flaws I can see:
-The beard sometimes cut through the chest in the portrait. Either shorted it or alpha it out.
-The blade looks better if you darken its edge, (change it to dark gray), it doesn't look very nice in the portrait.
-Desaturate the red color a bit. Take a look at Kil'jaeden skin or the red eredar warlock one.
-A few more but they don't really matter.
Level 12
May 27, 2004
Arcanister - my response.
1 - He doesn't have a beard. :?
2 - Fair point - there is a little too much contrast,
but then again, I like metal like that.
3 - I intended the red to be like that, nice and bold.

Great way of putting your points across though, nice
way to present criticisms. like it :D

Level 2
Dec 11, 2004
omg.. wormskull is sickly mad... well.. lets explain.. he aint just a demon.. hes the devil.. well.. he has enough powers to stand even with wrong muscles.. cuz hes powerful.. then... he can have the skin he wishes and the horns he wishes and the ass he wishes.. or maybe he bought sum ink and painted himself... k?? and.. agian.. he's not real... dun play that much that u begin thinkin the game is real.. its a different world... think bout it crazy dude
Level 3
Oct 9, 2004
Actually... wormskull is right. The muscles were drawn incorrectly in the wrap. But seem to be just fine though in-game.
Level 2
Sep 14, 2007
nice skin, looks better in game than in screen shot.

personally i dont like this skin all to much because i dont like satry's animation.
but thats not your fault =]
4/5 none the less
Level 1
May 21, 2008
it is a fantastic skin,
but why does he have 4 ears?? i've never heard about the Devil should have 4 ears... is it a joke or a bug
Level 2
Apr 2, 2008
This would look awsome remodeled with no weapon, or remodeled with a pitchfork or something like that. and maybe like big lower teeth that came up...or upper teeth...like a pertruding jaw look.

(P.S. Satan and Lucifer were actually 2 different people...or....whatever they are...)

Satan and Lucifer aint different persons, its just to different names for one person.
like Beelzebub is the same as satan and Lucifer