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Detect Max Life and Mana change

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Hello there, reader.

I thought of a certain approach on how to properly detect change in max life.
Now, I'm not sure if this will work, since I don't have my test environment up and running at the moment, but here's the script:

library UnitMaxStateDetect

    //# +nosemanticerror
    private function I2F takes integer i returns real
        set i = i
        return i

    //# +nosemanticerror
    private function F2I takes real r returns integer
        set r = r
        return r

    private function clearInt takes integer i returns integer
        set i = i
        return i

    private function clearReal takes real r returns real
        set r = r
        return r

    function TriggerRegisterUnitMaxLifeEvent takes trigger t, unit u, limitop operation returns event
        return TriggerRegisterUnitStateEvent(t, u, UNIT_STATE_MAX_LIFE, operation, clearReal(I2F(R2I(GetUnitState(u, UNIT_STATE_MAX_LIFE)))) )

    function TriggerRegisterUnitMaxManaEvent takes trigger t, unit u, limitop operation returns event
        return TriggerRegisterUnitStateEvent(t, u, UNIT_STATE_MAX_MANA, operation, clearReal(I2F(R2I(GetUnitState(u, UNIT_STATE_MAX_MANA)))) )
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