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Descending Thunder Emperor Hamon

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Level 15
Mar 31, 2004
So, if I do this and the Tidal Guardian, I will get 100% of the credit for your map? Cool!

What exactly are you making? You'd mentioned a map and a campaign.

You have asked for Descending Thunder Emperor Hamon, Tidal Guardian (as a mobile creature), Ultima Wyrm, Shrike Hunter Lord, Dracolich and 'any movie monster'. Added to that you have drooled over every wow port. You muust be making some huge map!
Level 9
Jul 7, 2005
lol whitehorn. if anything i would give 2% for each model so if its 5 models you would get 10% but meh if u wanna lose your credits of the map its your problem.
Level 5
Oct 19, 2004
yes 50 and 50 adds up to 100 but i need credit for doing teriiain and such anyway i need 3 horror models and they are:
Kathoga from The Relic

Xenom from Alone in the Dark

And Octalus with Tentacles from Deep Rising

oh and thunder emperor hamon must have a spell animation where he his head straight i the air slowly opens his mouth and when it fully opens he brings his head down shootin the spell from there if you cant do it fine but he must have a spell animation where he opens his mouth and he also must have a fly animation. remember above that dude said he'd only give ten percent for all of them so think about it and if you can do it whitehorn thx.
Level 9
Jul 7, 2005
FINE make it 0.5% for each model so if its 50 then white horn gets 25% is that better? And it allows you most of the credit.
Level 9
Jul 7, 2005
now now whitehorn no need for that... YES HE FINALLY SHUT UP THIS THREAD IS GGOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNNNNNEEEEEEEEE ahhh thats better :twisted:
Level 5
Oct 19, 2004
i know its alot of work but i want just 1 yes 1 model while some people on this site are asking for like 20 models and getting them done and no its not a bad concept and its not a ripoff of a dragon its a feckin demon lord
Level 5
Aug 7, 2004
It's a little bit of a stretch saying that "People who request 20 models always get them done". Hardly anyone in this forum gets their request completed, so it's not like people are being ridiculous here.

A tip: finish whatever project you're working on without the model, then request it. That way, people will know that their model is not going to waste rotting away in some noob's hard drive. If your project is done, and looks good, people will be more likely to make it for you.

Oh, and I would suggest that you try re-skinning the Dracolich model that Cookie extracted from NWN to make this character. It stands the same way, has the same basic body shape, it even has the animations that you need! All it needs is a good skin, and you have Emperor Hamon. Next time, consider possibilities like this before making an annoying and difficult request that's sure to get people pissed off at you.
Level 5
Oct 19, 2004
theres nine maps five of them include him the one im working on is the one he goes in first of the campaign
thats the fourth map, and i hate skins and i can't skin or model and if you skinned a dracolich it would nothing like hamon and he has none of hamon's abilities i requested. so it must be a custom model and i need him now because the map i'm working on(almost finished it) includes him.
plz and thx

Level 25
Mar 31, 2004
Olof is more of the "Make prehistoric creatures and giant reptiles" person

He's not the "Make wierd ass mutant demon who looks more like a dragon from some obscure anime"

Just find the Dracolich and use it. Its close enough and its not like someone's going to make the model
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