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Woooo, I finally managed to concentrate enough to finish another model... It's been so hard lately -_-' Yeah, not too great, as usual, but I am a bit proud of the texture. Animations recycled from my old demon model because I can't animate for shit anymore.

EDIT: Hey, Dio here! If you enjoy my work, a tip would be most welcome! Even a little helps a lot!

demon, hell, burning, legion, doomguard

Demon (Model)

Demon (Model)

15:04, 12th Jul 2009 shamanyouranus: This is beyond awesome.
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15:04, 12th Jul 2009
shamanyouranus: This is beyond awesome.
Level 26
Apr 13, 2008
This model has an incredibly low filesize. I find it annoying that the fingers and toes are completely 2dimensional :/ but you cant really tell from far away. I like the texture and the model itself is pretty good. Attack 2 and the spell animation are pretty much the same thing (only he uses 2 arms in atk 2 anim) And both animations need significantly less particles, 200 is too high. Im sorry to say but the walk animation isnt too good, it looks more like he is falling or doing "the running man" (dance) instead of actually walking. And also i would remove the portrait model. It is 22kb of half of the same model (there is no extra detail in it except a teamcolor glow). for about 6 - 10 kb more you can put the teamglow, camera and movements into the full model and remove the separate portrait model altogether.

Sorry (i know some of that seems nitpicky) but it is a very cool model. it is extremely well done for being such a low filesize and it will be very useful to map-makers. The texture is well done and it is a unique concept. good job.



Model Reviewer
Level 29
Jan 9, 2004
I would be able to use this if it had team color :wink:, i´d suggest the wrist because there bit fat and plain. Also just to make it look nicer i would add some ragged short around his waist because again it looks plain and ugly.
Level 9
Jan 23, 2009
This is a Demon model with a unique appearance from a modeler with a unique style.
Very good, Dionesiist. 5/5 Another great demon model!
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