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Defend Khorinis hard v1.2

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
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Reactions: WhiteFang



It´s an Hero Defence
You have to protect Lord Hagen. If he dies, you lose!

You have to shelter the city and Lord Hagen from all the Waves


At first you must choose a faction,
than you can level your character and collect some gold,
in parallel you defend the city!
As from level 8. you can become a Paladin/Dragon
Hunter or Fire Mage.
Defend all 23 waves to win!


1. Militia/Paladin - Agility
2. Mercenary/Dragon huter - Strenght
3. Novice/Fire Mage - Inelligence




Version 1.0
Version 1.1
terrain revision
gameplay improved
friendly guide revision
new options
Version 1.2
New Models
New fixes


Manow: Terrain, gameplay, triggering,
Ben Maios: Music, terrain
San_Melon: Revision, translation, signature, models range and some more...

Thanks to the Hiveworkshop for much Models
RPGHeroWarriorCreated by Tenebrae, HellscreamCreated by Burguul, HellscreamCreated by Sephiex,
Beast master Female (BeastMasterFemale)Created by Cavman, Hero Fly (HeroFly)Created by D.O.G., Boars Dire and Pale (SpiritPig)Created by Cavman,
Tyrannosaurus rex (Trex)Created by olofmoleman, PlateHelmetCreated by ZIR, PlateShoulderCreated by ZIR,
Predator's Axe (PredatorsAxe)Created by Dionesiist, Royal Cloak (RoyalCloak)Created by Dionesiist, ScytheCreated by Dionesiist, Carrion CrowCreated by Pyramidhe@d,
Serpent Lord's ScalesCreated by Usedwell, Vampire SwordCreated by Tr!KzZ, Snake Wrapped SwordCreated by Usedwell,
Sword of OVER 9000 truths!!! (SwordOfOver9000Truths)Created by Dan van Ohllus, AxeCreated by ikillforeyou, Grey Armor (Armor_by_Kitabatake)Created by Kitabatake, Red Armor (Armor_by_Kitabatake)Created by Kitabatake, Blue Armor (Armor_by_Kitabatake)Created by Kitabatake,
Scaled Mail Pauldrons by SunchipsCreated by SunchipsBlack Dragon Scale Mail by Sunchips Created by Sunchips, Odd SwordCreated by HappyTauren,
Golden SwordCreated by HappyTauren, Shiny steel Sword (OinkerCube)Created by DerReaper2, Golden AxeCreated by RedFuser,
Cloak (Arthas)Created by Balrog, Wood Bow (Woodbow_by_Kitabatake)Created by Kitabatake, LethalBowCreated by Gottfrei,
Ebon BowCreated by Sunchips, Copper Bow (Copperbow_by_Kitabatake)Created by Kitabatake, Metal Bow (Metalbow2_by_Kitabatake)Created by Kitabatake,
DoomshooterCreated by Boneknight, SkeletonLordCreated by levigeorge1617, Mail Armor by SunchipsCreated by Sunchips,

Thanks to the Hiveworkshop for much Icons
BTNSpikeBowCreated by Army-of-Pandas, BTNSteelArrowHeadsCreated by Wezthal, BTNHumanHeroCreated by Tenebrae, BTNDagazCreated by AlienAtSystem,
BTNHT_GoldenSwordCreated by HappyTauren, BTNRedSnakeSwordCreated by Golden-Drake, BTNSwordCreated by Golden-Drake, BTNOddSwordCreated by HappyTauren,
BTNRavenSwordCreated by kola, BTNFootmanArmorCreated by Zanekok, BTNReaperArmourCreated by ike_ike,

Gothic, Gothic 2, Gothic 3, Paladin, Militia, Dragon, Dragon Hunter, Mercenary, Mage, Firemage, San_Melon, Defend, Defend Khorinis, Defend Khorinis ha

Defend Khorinis hard v1.2 (Map)

19:39, 23rd Mar 2015 Orcnet: Shadow Fury's review
Level 21
Nov 4, 2013

The terrain is catastrophic. It is completely flat and since the map is really large, I find this really terrible. You should have used the Raise/Lower tools in the Terrain Palette to get a more decent terrain. The tiles weren't used efficiently at all. Most of the map is just made of Dirt, Grass and Dark Grass. Besides, as a great part of the map is just Blizzard's tedious cliffs, the Dirt tile prevails and the rest just have to succumb. A similar issue appears with the doodads. The prevailing doodads are the damn trees and unfortunately large areas of the map are left empty.


The heroes didn't seem to be suitable to an RPG map. Only two skills for each of the three factions? That's really not entertaining at all because of course I won't keep spamming the 1 or 2 same skills for all the game. Considering that 2/3 factions have one passive and one active skill, I'll just have one skill to spam all game for such factions. Then, it's disappointing to see that all 3 heroes have the same model. It ruins the uniqueness of each hero like that.


This is the most important category. The music you've put is pretty cool and the creeps you've put all around the map give me the feeling of a hostile land, which is actually good. Seeing individual yet powerful creeps was a great feature. However, I must say that the gameplay didn't develop. It was all the time me wandering around and killing any creep I crossed + collecting loads of items, most of the time worthless for my journey in the forests (Pelt, Claws etc...). It was like Fight Creeps ---> Collect the millions of items they dropped ---> Use Meat ---> Restart the whole thing over. This gets repeatative and you don't persuade players to go on playing. Talking about the waves, I was just useless. One Orc Warrior could've destroyed me if I hadn't spammed my single skill and used my items. Imagine then if I fight a horde of Orc Warriors what's going to happen...


Let's start with the Novice not producing any sound when attacking. If he is a melee attacker, then he must be making some sound otherwise you should've made him ranged. Then, why didn't you mention in the quest log that the Universal Teleport Stone can be bought from Neoras? I kept searching for the seller of the stone for ages before going to Neoras when I wanted to try the Novice and finally resolve this mystery.


The map is really deluding and it needs plenty of extra work. I'll have to give it 2/5 and vote for REJECTION!