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Death/Decay Transition

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Level 1
Apr 9, 2021
Hi, I am trying to add a decay animation to the model downloaded from HIVE. I am not at all proficient in doing these things so naturally there are some errors. Could you please help me with the following problem?
The Naga Baby i downloaded from here does have a death animation, but lacks the decay animation. Using Retera studio I wanted to just make the model slowly sink into the ground. However, when testing in game, after the death animation plays, the corpse is very quickly pulled downwards and after the time passes (modified in the Art-Death Time in the unit properties) the decay animation plays as normal. What seems to be the cause? I checked the animation in the Retera to see if any keyframes are out of place, but nothing seems odd.
Also, a very basic question about the sequence of animations: Does it make a difference to have the decay animation in sequence right after the death animation or can it be anywhere in the whole sequence of model animations?
Hope I expressed the issue sufficiently :D

Also, attaching the model in case someone wants to have a look.


  • babynaga_green27.mdx
    1.1 MB · Views: 23
Level 21
Apr 12, 2018
Your Decay Flesh and Decay Bone animations are identical.

Decay Bone generally is just the skeleton of the unit lying on the ground, but when I put your model in the Sanity Tester its just the body sinking into the ground again (which explains what you're seeing). There's other things the Sanity Tester is complaining about that's tangential to the discussion.

Since the Naga also has a swimming death you also need a Decay Swim animation (generally its just the body sinking again so it's usually not that different from Decay Flesh-- just no Decay Bone skeleton in the water)
Last edited:
Level 1
Apr 9, 2021
Thank you for the feedback! It seems strange that all decay animations are 60 sec long, but decay flesh is played much faster. Fixed it as suggested: removed decay flesh and created new anim where the body just lays there. Decay bone then sinks the mesh into the ground.

Thank you once again :)
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