- Joined
- May 16, 2012
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Hello guys, in my map I've created a system to spawn units in waves (code below) and i recently imported a Physical Damage Detection System (PDD) made by looking_for_help aka eey and i'm using it to create some orb effect similar triggers. In the test map that comes with PDD, the triggers works great and the system looks to be working correctly in my map too, the problem is, in the first wave of enemy's, the trigger that I've created works (Orb of Fire kind of trigger), but when the second wave of enemy's come and the trigger fires for them it bugs out.
(Spawn Code)
*CreateNUnitsLoc is a custom function that i created.
(Orb of Fire Code)
*UnitDamageTargetEx is a custom function that comes with the PDD, The author instructed us to use it to avoid recursion problems in his system.
As you can see, the first type of units created by the Spawn Code are 5 footman and 5 rifleman and the second are 5 Grunts and 5 Troll Headhunters and then 5 Ghouls and 5 Crypt Fiends and lastly 5 Archers and 5 Huntresses and it keeps looping. Also, as you can see, the Orb of Fire trigger only fires when the source of damage has an item of type of my custom orb of fire item and the type of damage is physical and it deals code damage (PDD can differentiate from physical, spell or code which is neat). As i said before, for the first wave (5 footman and 5 rifleman) it works fine (see below image, red is physical damage, green is code damage), but for the second and subsequent waves its buggy (see second image).
(Here the first units to be ever spawned, the orb trigger works fine, every attack 100 code damage is dealt to units nearby but not the unit being attacked)
(Here the second waves interact with the unit with the item and it bugs out. As you can see the 100 bonus damage is applied multiple times to the units and with different damage types, physical and code damage respectively)
(Finally after the first attack against a second wave unit, the AoE damage is not applied anymore and on top of that the the damage of the attack is applied twice to the unit being attacked)
I've tried everything that i could think of to solve this, but i'm really lost now. Appreciate the help and thx.
(Spawn Code)
scope Spawn1 initializer Init
private function Conditions takes nothing returns boolean
if(udg_WaveKills_Event == 1 or udg_Event_4000_Flag == 1 or udg_Event2_Flag2 == 1 or udg_MuradinEvent_Flag == 1) then
return false
return true
private function Actions takes nothing returns nothing
local location c
local integer i
set c = Location(GetRectCenterX(gg_rct_Castle), GetRectCenterY(gg_rct_Castle))
if ( udg_Race_Turn == 0 ) then
set i = 0
exitwhen i > (udg_NumberOfPlayers_Integer - 1)
call CreateNUnitsLoc((5 * udg_Portal_Vector[i]), 'hfoo', Player(10), Location(GetRectCenterX(udg_Spawn_Region_Vector[i]), GetRectCenterY(udg_Spawn_Region_Vector[i])), 0.00)
call GroupPointOrderLoc(bj_lastCreatedGroup, "attack", c)
call CreateNUnitsLoc((5 * udg_Portal_Vector[i]), 'hrif', Player(11), Location(GetRectCenterX(udg_Spawn_Region_Vector[i]), GetRectCenterY(udg_Spawn_Region_Vector[i])), 0.00)
call GroupPointOrderLoc(bj_lastCreatedGroup, "attack", c)
if (udg_HumanCounter == 1 and udg_Difficult_Level == 3) then
call CreateNUnitsLoc((1 * udg_Portal_Vector[i]), 'H005', Player(9), Location(GetRectCenterX(udg_Spawn_Region_Vector[i]), GetRectCenterY(udg_Spawn_Region_Vector[i])), 0.00)
call GroupPointOrderLoc(bj_lastCreatedGroup, "attack", c)
call SetHeroStr(bj_lastCreatedUnit, (150 * udg_HeroLevelCounter), true)
call SetHeroAgi(bj_lastCreatedUnit, (150 * udg_HeroLevelCounter), true)
call SetHeroInt(bj_lastCreatedUnit, (150 * udg_HeroLevelCounter), true)
call SetHeroLevel(bj_lastCreatedUnit, udg_HeroLevelCounter, false)
set i = i + 1
if (udg_HumanCounter == 1) then
set udg_HumanCounter = 0
set udg_HumanCounter = udg_HumanCounter + 1
set udg_Race_Turn = 1
if ( udg_Race_Turn == 1 ) then
set i = 0
exitwhen i > ( udg_NumberOfPlayers_Integer - 1 )
call CreateNUnitsLoc((5 * udg_Portal_Vector[i]), 'ogru', Player(10), Location(GetRectCenterX(udg_Spawn_Region_Vector[i]), GetRectCenterY(udg_Spawn_Region_Vector[i])), 0.00)
call GroupPointOrderLoc(bj_lastCreatedGroup, "attack", c)
call CreateNUnitsLoc((5 * udg_Portal_Vector[i]), 'ohun', Player(11), Location(GetRectCenterX(udg_Spawn_Region_Vector[i]), GetRectCenterY(udg_Spawn_Region_Vector[i])), 0.00)
call GroupPointOrderLoc(bj_lastCreatedGroup, "attack", c)
if (udg_OrcCounter == 1 and udg_Difficult_Level == 3) then
call CreateNUnitsLoc((1 * udg_Portal_Vector[i]), 'O003', Player(9), Location(GetRectCenterX(udg_Spawn_Region_Vector[i]), GetRectCenterY(udg_Spawn_Region_Vector[i])), 0.00)
call GroupPointOrderLoc(bj_lastCreatedGroup, "attack", c)
call SetHeroStr(bj_lastCreatedUnit, (150 * udg_HeroLevelCounter), true)
call SetHeroAgi(bj_lastCreatedUnit, (150 * udg_HeroLevelCounter), true)
call SetHeroInt(bj_lastCreatedUnit, (150 * udg_HeroLevelCounter), true)
call SetHeroLevel(bj_lastCreatedUnit, udg_HeroLevelCounter, false)
set i = i + 1
if (udg_OrcCounter == 1) then
set udg_OrcCounter = 0
set udg_OrcCounter = udg_OrcCounter + 1
set udg_Race_Turn = 2
if ( udg_Race_Turn == 2 ) then
set i = 0
exitwhen i > ( udg_NumberOfPlayers_Integer - 1 )
call CreateNUnitsLoc((5 * udg_Portal_Vector[i]), 'ugho', Player(10), Location(GetRectCenterX(udg_Spawn_Region_Vector[i]), GetRectCenterY(udg_Spawn_Region_Vector[i])), 0.00)
call GroupPointOrderLoc(bj_lastCreatedGroup, "attack", c)
call CreateNUnitsLoc((5 * udg_Portal_Vector[i]), 'ucry', Player(11), Location(GetRectCenterX(udg_Spawn_Region_Vector[i]), GetRectCenterY(udg_Spawn_Region_Vector[i])), 0.00)
call GroupPointOrderLoc(bj_lastCreatedGroup, "attack", c)
if (udg_UndeadCounter == 1 and udg_Difficult_Level == 3) then
call CreateNUnitsLoc((1 * udg_Portal_Vector[i]), 'U007', Player(9), Location(GetRectCenterX(udg_Spawn_Region_Vector[i]), GetRectCenterY(udg_Spawn_Region_Vector[i])), 0.00)
call GroupPointOrderLoc(bj_lastCreatedGroup, "attack", c)
call SetHeroStr(bj_lastCreatedUnit, (150 * udg_HeroLevelCounter), true)
call SetHeroAgi(bj_lastCreatedUnit, (150 * udg_HeroLevelCounter), true)
call SetHeroInt(bj_lastCreatedUnit, (150 * udg_HeroLevelCounter), true)
call SetHeroLevel(bj_lastCreatedUnit, udg_HeroLevelCounter, false)
set i = i + 1
if (udg_UndeadCounter == 1) then
set udg_UndeadCounter = 0
set udg_UndeadCounter = udg_UndeadCounter + 1
set udg_Race_Turn = 3
if ( udg_Race_Turn == 3 ) then
set i = 0
exitwhen i > ( udg_NumberOfPlayers_Integer - 1 )
call CreateNUnitsLoc((5 * udg_Portal_Vector[i]), 'esen', Player(10), Location(GetRectCenterX(udg_Spawn_Region_Vector[i]), GetRectCenterY(udg_Spawn_Region_Vector[i])), 0.00)
call GroupPointOrderLoc(bj_lastCreatedGroup, "attack", c)
call CreateNUnitsLoc((5 * udg_Portal_Vector[i]), 'earc', Player(11), Location(GetRectCenterX(udg_Spawn_Region_Vector[i]), GetRectCenterY(udg_Spawn_Region_Vector[i])), 0.00)
call GroupPointOrderLoc(bj_lastCreatedGroup, "attack", c)
if (udg_NightElfCounter == 1 and udg_Difficult_Level == 3) then
call CreateNUnitsLoc((1 * udg_Portal_Vector[i]), 'E002', Player(9), Location(GetRectCenterX(udg_Spawn_Region_Vector[i]), GetRectCenterY(udg_Spawn_Region_Vector[i])), 0.00)
call GroupPointOrderLoc(bj_lastCreatedGroup, "attack", c)
call SetHeroStr(bj_lastCreatedUnit, (150 * udg_HeroLevelCounter), true)
call SetHeroAgi(bj_lastCreatedUnit, (150 * udg_HeroLevelCounter), true)
call SetHeroInt(bj_lastCreatedUnit, (150 * udg_HeroLevelCounter), true)
call SetHeroLevel(bj_lastCreatedUnit, udg_HeroLevelCounter, false)
set i = i + 1
if (udg_NightElfCounter == 1) then
set udg_NightElfCounter = 0
set udg_HeroLevelCounter = udg_HeroLevelCounter + 1
set udg_NightElfCounter = udg_NightElfCounter + 1
set udg_Race_Turn = 0
call RemoveLocation(c)
set c = null
private function Init takes nothing returns nothing
set gg_trg_Spawn1 = CreateTrigger()
call DisableTrigger( gg_trg_Spawn1 )
call TriggerRegisterTimerEvent(gg_trg_Spawn1, 30.00, true)
call TriggerAddCondition(gg_trg_Spawn1, Condition( function Conditions ) )
call TriggerAddAction(gg_trg_Spawn1, function Actions )
*CreateNUnitsLoc is a custom function that i created.
(Orb of Fire Code)
scope OrbFire initializer Init
private function Conditions takes nothing returns boolean
return ((UnitHasItemOfTypeBJ(udg_PDD_source, 'I01J') == true) and (udg_PDD_damageType == udg_PDD_PHYSICAL))
private function GroupFilter takes nothing returns boolean
local unit u
set u = GetFilterUnit()
return ((IsUnitEnemy(u, GetOwningPlayer(udg_PDD_source)) == true) and (u != udg_PDD_target) and ((GetUnitState(u, UNIT_STATE_LIFE) <= 0) == false))
set u = null
private function GroupCallBack takes nothing returns nothing
local unit u
set u = GetEnumUnit()
call UnitDamageTargetEx(udg_PDD_source, u, 100.0, true, false, ATTACK_TYPE_HERO, DAMAGE_TYPE_FIRE, null)
set u = null
private function Actions takes nothing returns nothing
local location l
local group g = CreateGroup()
set l = GetUnitLoc(udg_PDD_target)
call GroupEnumUnitsInRangeOfLoc(g, l, 350.00, Condition(function GroupFilter))
call ForGroup(g, function GroupCallBack )
call RemoveLocation(l)
call DestroyGroup(g)
set l = null
set g = null
private function Init takes nothing returns nothing
local trigger t = CreateTrigger()
call TriggerRegisterVariableEvent( t, "udg_PDD_damageEventTrigger", EQUAL, 1.00 )
call TriggerAddCondition( t, Condition( function Conditions ) )
call TriggerAddAction( t, function Actions )
*UnitDamageTargetEx is a custom function that comes with the PDD, The author instructed us to use it to avoid recursion problems in his system.
As you can see, the first type of units created by the Spawn Code are 5 footman and 5 rifleman and the second are 5 Grunts and 5 Troll Headhunters and then 5 Ghouls and 5 Crypt Fiends and lastly 5 Archers and 5 Huntresses and it keeps looping. Also, as you can see, the Orb of Fire trigger only fires when the source of damage has an item of type of my custom orb of fire item and the type of damage is physical and it deals code damage (PDD can differentiate from physical, spell or code which is neat). As i said before, for the first wave (5 footman and 5 rifleman) it works fine (see below image, red is physical damage, green is code damage), but for the second and subsequent waves its buggy (see second image).
(Here the first units to be ever spawned, the orb trigger works fine, every attack 100 code damage is dealt to units nearby but not the unit being attacked)
(Here the second waves interact with the unit with the item and it bugs out. As you can see the 100 bonus damage is applied multiple times to the units and with different damage types, physical and code damage respectively)
(Finally after the first attack against a second wave unit, the AoE damage is not applied anymore and on top of that the the damage of the attack is applied twice to the unit being attacked)
I've tried everything that i could think of to solve this, but i'm really lost now. Appreciate the help and thx.