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Current Version 1.28 Map Editors and Tools?

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Level 4
May 14, 2013
Hello Hive, I recently came back to WC3 to finish a long going WIP map. Problem is when I updated my game to the newest version "1.28" , sadly my map when loaded in multi player instantly disconnects all the other players besides the host "looks like a desync error" this did not happen before the update. So i pulled out my old flash drive of a pirated version for LAN when people forget keys or on laptop blah blah blah... Anyway low and behold WC3 version 1.26 loads the map just fine. Also note all my old tools like NEWGEN seemed to have various bugs in 1.28.

My question is not how to fix those issues with my map since i can easily paste my trigger and object editor work. I was never impressed with my terrain anyway.

Now for my actual questions. How do i effectively create maps in 1.28? should I not be using this version? what tools work? what current map editor can I use? The default might be fine if its been slightly improved it had issues in the past. Will their be future updates making map editors buggy?

What do you think is the best method for making maps in version 1.28?
what editor or tools do you use "strictly referring to map building not model editing"?

I already browsed the tools resources on this website but found some bugs and conflicting information so I am hoping to get some solid answers on what tools the editing community actually uses.
Level 4
May 14, 2013
Oh and lastly is there any crazy changes made to WC3 i should know about before editing? maybe something I did now causes desync issues.
I did remove all the triggers to test that, so it defiantly could not have been a trigger that caused it. Honestly im still stumped on that.
Have they fixed or added any new leak problems? like the shockwave teramorph leak.
Level 4
May 14, 2013
I suspect a custom texture of one of your imported files, blizz changed something about handling them (Doctor Super Good can explain that thoroughly).

As for current tools, you'd be well adviced to use SharpCraft World Editor Extended Bundle.

Thanks for the response. My object editing of over 200 custom units would lead me to believe you are correct.

About the sharpcraft editor; after using it myself and getting similar bugs others are speaking about i was hoping there was other options.

I would love to hear how others are doing current map editing.

I am thinking 3 possible ways to work with the current version.
#1. Have an older version installed with NEWGEN. My worries here is that it will bug out when i try to play it in the new version.
#2. Only use sharpcraft when necessary and doing the bulk of the work in the default editor and hope that changing between editors doesn't cause problems.
#3. Just use the basic editor so that maps remain bug free. No giant map no Jass no infinite doodads. Blizzard did increase the multiplayer map size to 128MB if i am correct so thats nice... they did just destroy all mod tools but at least there was that.

I am very curious to hear how other map creators are currently doing things.
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