21:19, 21st Oct 2013
Deolrin: To be honest... The middle bit is really badly textured and looks incredibly low-quality, and the 'SFX' aren't all that impressive - they aren't even moving or shining or anything, and there's no particles. It's also incredibly flat, and reminds me a bit of some kind of old-school Halo ship. If you could improve it on those aspects a little bit, it might just be approvable. ^^
Deolrin: To be honest... The middle bit is really badly textured and looks incredibly low-quality, and the 'SFX' aren't all that impressive - they aren't even moving or shining or anything, and there's no particles. It's also incredibly flat, and reminds me a bit of some kind of old-school Halo ship. If you could improve it on those aspects a little bit, it might just be approvable. ^^