I think all spells should have 6 levels except the main abilities should only have 3.
Also whenever i say like "1 damage per second" that 1 is just an example, for now on i'll put x instead though.
-Slow (Autocast) -> Slows an enemy movement and attack speed.
-Blockade -> Creates a barricade at target spot.
-Wrap -> The troll swings a chain that wraps around an opponent and pulls them in.
-Speed over strength(Autocast) -> Every "x" seconds the troll gains "x" agility and loses "x strength". Stats reset when the hero dies.
-Sprint -> Increases the Runner movement speed, but he takes damage per second. (the damage is greater than 1 due to the regeneration rate of the heroes)
-Jump -> (I don't know how to do that ability)
-Increased Senses -> Immune to spells and higher evasion rate for "x" seconds.
-Reminder of the job at hand -> (reincarnation)
-Rake -> Stuns an enemy unit.
-Intimidating Roar -> Decreases damage, life and mana regeneration rate of nearby enemys.
- Intimidating Presence -> Reduces the armor of nearby enemys.
-Mindless charge -> Attacks everything in a charge, in a straight line.(use shockwave, when ability is used hide hero, and missle of shockwave is hero model, and then move the hero to the end range of the shockwave than unhide. Thats how I think you could do it.)
-Bark of Old -> Increases the natural armor of the Kagonesti Tank.
-Nutrients of Sap -> Increases the armor of a target ally.
-Intimidating Growl -> When cast, blocks negative spells in the target area for a limited time.
-An elf's best friend -> Summons a bear that has the ability to switch places with the hero or can hold an enemy and will die after either of these abilities.(The hold one he will die after "x" seconds of holding.)
-Quicksand -> Slows an enemy unit and deal damage every second.
-Engulf in Flames -> Engulfs a target unit in flames, burning enemys and allies nearby the target.
-Chain of Fire -> Holds an enemy in place untill they are attacked, you make an action, or you run out of mana.
-Magma's Wrath -> Volcano like spell, does not slow down other units. Make volcanoe lower into the ground when summoned.(like holding ctrl and page down on a doodad on the editor so you mainly see lava shooting out of a hole in the ground, and increases volcano size.)
-Quicksand - > Slows an enemy unit and deal damage every second.
-Entangling Roots -> Holds an enemy in his place.
-Rejuvenation -> Heals an amount of damage every second of an ally.
-Reign of the Ents -> Ents fall from the sky as an infernal does, except they die instantly on contact of hitting the ground(0 duration) but they fall in waves dealing damage, and no default stun.
-Necklace of Bones -> Gives all allies in range extra damage.
-Berserk -> Increases attack speed of the Troll Leader.
-War Chant -> Increases allies movement speed in range.
-A leaders choice -> Drain "x" health from an ally or your self for "x" seconds. Channel breaks when any action is taken. When channel breaks the amount of health Drained will be on a "leaderboard" saying how much is drained, and the next time the ability is used, it has to be on an enemy and it deals that much damage in a fireball from the sky.
-Invigorating Auraneeds new name -> Increases the life regeneration rate of nearby friendly units. 6 Levels
-Command Auraneeds new name -> Gives extra damage to nearby ally units. 6 Levels
-Aid of friends -> Random summons; Dryad with poison tipped spear, Furbolg with Tribal chant(deals damage to enemies nearby), or a mountain giant with boulder toss. (units won't be exactly same as RoC or TfT units, but pretty much the same, cept size, abilities, and possibly color.
-The meaning of life -> Every "x" second a plant grows nearby the hero, if a troll goes over a plant created in this manner it will either: take "x" damage or be held in place for 1 second. If an elf goes over a plant it will heal for "x" points.
Tah dah. Thought of them last night.
Also going to need a leaderboard obviously.
Also decided that there will be round. Vote choice out of best; 2/3, 4/5, 6/7.
Finally there will be another team added. Consisting of only 2 ppl who are unallied to all(might make one player for trolls, and one for elves.) They are basicaly spectators, except they can set up traps, make creeps, or place items. But of course they will have their limitations like, a set amount of what they can do, or get passes over time. They act as the heart & sould of the mountain. If people don't like the idea they can just close the slots lol.