Well, this map had new great ideas, but with bugged stuff like the turtle dismount. Ideas are cool, weirdo trees running to my base, and that gold cart was some how not in place. Loved the kobolt tunneler, too bad that he is op with other stuffs as well!
The following will explain some:
+ New ideas in map and made it funny.
+ Beside other kiddie maps which just spam races around with no point, your map was the most balanced custom melee I played to this moment!
- Even if its the best balanced custom melee map I played, your new created faction can be abused by users! Specially a blade master who sneaks around to terrorize workers!
- The map's new stuff makes almost no point in the wc3 lore!
- You had few buggy stuff!
- AI is total weirdo, can be beaten even by blizzard dummy AI!
Seems thats all I can say so far. And to make you realise what all those stuff, I present you with my melee playing vs the creep faction and revert played!
In this replay, I played vs creep faction and. I can say that the only problem discoveret was that your AI is total IDIOT, he couldnt even beat the normal blizzard AI! I started a game on LAN and put my self as referee. While watching him I discovered that you actually had 2 AI files which randomly are set! The first ai rushes with gnolls and is doing well, but the second ai is rushing to get the best technology while having a vulnariable base for fast lose vs users! Lucky I was against the army AI so the game I was playing wasnt that much easy.
Notice in hes expo how hes cart is not filled with workers and gets stuck and not working! Notice how I managed to kill hes cart at the main base! I checked the faction ... there was no cart production. How the hell we get new cart for more gold?! If I was against player and he does that to me, my economy will be completely screwed!
After you are finished with the first replay, check this one. In this replay, I totally SMASHED the orc AI!
Notice how while defending my self the AI had a giant advantage against me but lost. The reason for that is your OP HOUSES!!! Check the orc burrows and see how they are NOT FORTIFIED! Later in game they get fortified, but to then I could have all sorts of siege and other stuff. Notice how I have chosen the shredder hero, its because he got a op ability which stuns for long and does lot of dmg! To be be honest about that grenade guy - you probably play too much CS xd! Note here, how I mass only brutes and the caster gnolls instead of the poachers, its because of your UBER DPS MISTAKE! How the hell you expect this to be fair when the casters get improved weapons and armor?! Caster units in the melee game are supposed to only be support units which are not strong in auto-attack and defence! Check the rest caster units for more info. And finally dinging lvl 6, I wanted to see hes uber unit what it was like ... IT WAS OP! Notice now:
1: Flying!
2: High HP!
3: High dmg!
4: 2 abilities ... and one is a ultimate ... OMG!!!
5: I keep it for ever!
At last and the kobolt unit. I think if a good player uses few kobolts to pause the enemy's buildings for whole 30 sec, the game will be obvious! Havent tried them, so this is just what I think.
Hope I helped and you will note all this. If you need me for something, I might help more in testing.
4/5 from me!