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Could this work?

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Level 7
Aug 28, 2010
Hey people

I have'nt even opened my war3 map editor in like 3 months (lol) and in the meantime, many ideas had surfaced. One in particular is a "dungeon" run- sort of map... let me define it more thoroughly:
Okay, so you start with the Dungeon nexus in the center, which is filled with portals that lead to diffrent dungeons (the term "dungeons" extracted from wow) and shops, trainers, the hero selectors ect.
I know, "it will surpass over 9 mb!!!" thus rendering it too large to run in war3 to LAN or what not. But i thought about it- i remembered in the "rexxar" bonus campaign in war3 at stage 2- you enter a cave and it would take you to "another map" (e.g. thunder ridge, or something like that), if it would be possible to create a small map that bases on the dungeon, and each portal be somehow boound to the map (simpler explination- I enter portal one and the map "Stockade" initiates) and some how the heroes who enter the instance KEEP their items, stats and abilities learnt.
Will it be a successful map or will i just be slaving for months just to find out "lol, too large to play".
suggestions and ideas are welcome :goblin_good_job:
Level 7
Dec 26, 2010
Well, in theory, a system like that would work if you used save/load codes for different maps, since the transition only works for a single player, but if at the start you could put like a level requirement (for example, 1 - 6 for the first instance, 3 - 7 for the second and so on) at each map for the instance specifications, it would require a lot of object duplication for each map, the entire process would be time consuming.
Level 3
May 22, 2011
That'd work fine for a single-player game.

In multiplayer, it'd be problematic, for the reasons mentioned by AyeKantSpel. If you want the game to be multiplayer, I recommend just making the map "epic"-sized and separating it into different, sealed-off-from-each-other chunks. With enough imagination, you'll be surprised by what kind of different enviorments can be simulted in just one map and one tileset.



Level 7
Aug 28, 2010
im glad i explained it thoroughly :) just wanted to know if it would be possible. it would take time, yes, but with time it could work. Wont the epic map scale cause lag? because i want to make the instances insane and put alot of effort in it :) and have atleast 5 people play (like WoW roles in an instance) it may be stealing abit (;P) but would be epic. does anyone know how to make a load/save system?
@ the item duplicating piece: i could create a map with all the items (that means making the nexus place/thingy where they enter the instances) uneccisarily large, but then i could create the items in that map then copy the map and all the items will be there and i can just form the instance?
Level 2
May 21, 2011
If you do this, I'd focus on making it a linear 5 player map, it's always gonna have an end, it's not an MMORPOG.
Like a really big 5 player campain, going through all the WoW dungeons ? Each boss drops an item etc. Would be cool if it had a roll system :p



Level 7
Aug 28, 2010
Lol, imagine you could make it like an MMORPOG :p like, it would not only have instances but also every region as a map :D that would be epic ^^ and of course a load/save system :p But would take forever lol. and you lvl your char to lvl 80 :D but no bg lol, maybe but the other units in the bg would have to be AI programmed :D just a thought though. though that epic 5 player campaign sugestion sounds good :D
Level 7
Dec 26, 2010
Well an idea could be to do the solo areas as a single player campaign, so one person could play for hours solo quest grinding and what not, then make dungeons and bgs as seperate maps into which players could load characters, of course the main problem with a single player campaign and people loading into maps from there would be cheating, there are ways to stop that though.
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Level 2
Oct 30, 2010
im glad i explained it thoroughly :) just wanted to know if it would be possible. it would take time, yes, but with time it could work. Wont the epic map scale cause lag? because i want to make the instances insane and put alot of effort in it :) and have atleast 5 people play (like WoW roles in an instance) it may be stealing abit (;P) but would be epic. does anyone know how to make a load/save system?
@ the item duplicating piece: i could create a map with all the items (that means making the nexus place/thingy where they enter the instances) uneccisarily large, but then i could create the items in that map then copy the map and all the items will be there and i can just form the instance?

As I understand your explanation, it would be either single-player, custom campaign, or it would be multi-player, single [Epic] sized map.
Since you say you want five people, you would need to choose the latter option of creating a single map.



Level 7
Aug 28, 2010
Well an idea could be to do the solo areas as a single player campaign, so one person could play for hours solo quest grinding and what not, then make dungeons and bgs as seperate maps into which players could load characters, of course the main problem with a single player campaign and people loading into maps from there would be cheating, there are ways to stop that though.

yes! that sounds much more solid :ogre_haosis: as for the cheating part- isn't there some way to nullify it?
e.g. event: player sends greedisgood [number] as an exact match
Action: subtract gold amount [number] from player

though it won't work with whosyourdaddy :vw_unimpressed: though, can't you make it like e.g.
the player types "whosyourdaddy" then the triger makes him type and send "whosyourdaddy" again, thus activating the cheat then immediatly deactivating the cheat?

good idea though :thumbs_up:
Level 7
Dec 26, 2010
yes! that sounds much more solid :ogre_haosis: as for the cheating part- isn't there some way to nullify it?
e.g. event: player sends greedisgood [number] as an exact match
Action: subtract gold amount [number] from player

though it won't work with whosyourdaddy :vw_unimpressed: though, can't you make it like e.g.
the player types "whosyourdaddy" then the triger makes him type and send "whosyourdaddy" again, thus activating the cheat then immediatly deactivating the cheat?

good idea though :thumbs_up:

As far as nullifying the cheats I'm not entirely sure how to go about doing that, but if you were to ask around I'm sure someone could tell you.
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