Could this be love from first sight? NEW SKILL

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Attached the map with the bug:

the pulverized attack I attached this to refuse to work with special effect, and not even create the animation "attack swim" that I replaced from "slam"

:vw_wtf: WTF this is so hard to get please help me :goblin_cry:
Thanks for reading.
If you want to use the spell don't give me credit, did it for funny :D.:thumbs_up:

No Credit Needed! but I still need help with setting the animation upon occuring.


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And I'm 99% sure any effect won't work at all on range targets.
Yes it does!. It make the effect around the attacker location, not on attacked unit location - therefore it works for ranged units. check the map if you won't belive me.
Does anyone have any idea that might work to change the animation?
Request: is it possible to change the naga's attack swim name into attack slam? plz I will give you credit in the upcoming map , whenever I find the name to it that is, its totaly on its begginning steps.
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I have told him to make it attack, swim. When you put a comma it automatically separates it into two strings. He tried that and it didn't work.
indeed, there is absolutly no way to show it on model that hasn't got the attack slam animation string.
that is why I need naga attack animation to be changed.
My map allways have 60 + units alive , making automaticly skill will force me to have "unit was damaged" which is a trigger that causes lag when handling massive amount of units , importing new model of naga will make it all much easier.
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