- Joined
- Apr 26, 2008
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- 830
Alright so here is the problem, my triggerer made this system for me, but somehow he has quitted wc3 and I am not able to contact him anymore, thus im stuck with this problem, basically it's a skill system for pokemons, you know the learning/forgetting thing, so when forgetting a spell and learning a new one the pokemon_skill(1-4) is not setted or it doesn't switch with the teach abillity so when forgetting another spell the new learned spell will not be shown, and thus when learning another spell in place of the new learned spell we have 2 spells not 1, so here is the trigger...
Teach Pokemon
- Ereignisse
- Bedingungen
- -------- Func - trigger used to teach an ability to a pokemon --------
- -------- Parameters: Teach_Pokemon, Teach_Ability --------
- -------- Don't learn what it already knows --------
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
- (Level of Teach_Ability for Teach_Pokemon) Größer als 0
- Skip remaining actions
- 'ELSE'-Aktionen
- -------- Get data --------
- Set i = (Custom value of Teach_Pokemon)
- Set p = (Player number of Pokemon_Owner[i])
- -------- Check number of current abilities --------
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
- Pokemon_Skill_n[i] Größer gleich 4
- -------- Oh noes, gotta forget something --------
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
Or - Any (Conditions) are true
- (Owner of Teach_Pokemon) Gleich Neutral feindlich
- (Owner of Teach_Pokemon) Gleich Spieler 12 (Braun)
- Teach_Silent Gleich True
Or - Any (Conditions) are true
- -------- Neutral pokemons have no owner to decide for them --------
- -------- ...And ownerless pokemon don't like forgetting things --------
- Skip remaining actions
- -------- (also, if Teach_Silent is true, let's not bother the player) --------
- 'ELSE'-Aktionen
- -------- But if it's an owned pokemon.... --------
- Set Teach_WaitingAbility = Teach_Ability
- Set Teach_Forgetting = True
- -------- Pause and invul pokemon and trainer --------
- Einheit - Pause ein PlayerTrainer
- Einheit - Make PlayerTrainer Unverwundbar
- Einheit - Pause ein tmpPokemon
- Einheit - Make tmpPokemon Unverwundbar
- -------- Show his current skills --------
- Spiel - Display to (Player group(Pokemon_Owner[i])) for 15.00 seconds the text: ((|cff00ff00 + ((Proper name of Teach_Pokemon) + |r wants to learn |cff00ff00)) + ((Name of Teach_Ability) + |r!))
- Spiel - Display to (Player group(Pokemon_Owner[i])) for 15.00 seconds the text: |cffffff00Your poke...
- Spiel - Display to (Player group(Pokemon_Owner[i])) for 15.00 seconds the text: (1 - + (Name of Pokemon_Skill1[i]))
- Spiel - Display to (Player group(Pokemon_Owner[i])) for 15.00 seconds the text: (2 - + (Name of Pokemon_Skill2[i]))
- Spiel - Display to (Player group(Pokemon_Owner[i])) for 15.00 seconds the text: (3 - + (Name of Pokemon_Skill3[i]))
- Spiel - Display to (Player group(Pokemon_Owner[i])) for 15.00 seconds the text: (4 - + (Name of Pokemon_Skill4[i]))
- Spiel - Display to (Player group(Pokemon_Owner[i])) for 15.00 seconds the text: (|cffffff80skip - Don't learn + ((Name of Teach_Ability) + |r))
- Spiel - Display to (Player group(Pokemon_Owner[i])) for 15.00 seconds the text: |cffffff00Type -sho...
- -------- Ohyeah, I can learn it! --------
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
- Teach_Silent Gleich False
- Spiel - Display to (Player group(Pokemon_Owner[i])) for 15.00 seconds the text: ((|cff00ff00 + ((Name of Teach_Pokemon) + |r just learned |cff00ff00)) + ((Name of Teach_Ability) + |r!))
- 'ELSE'-Aktionen
- Set Pokemon_Skill_n[i] = (Pokemon_Skill_n[i] + 1)
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
- Pokemon_Skill_n[i] Gleich 1
- Set Pokemon_Skill1[i] = Teach_Ability
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
- Pokemon_Skill_n[i] Gleich 2
- Set Pokemon_Skill2[i] = Teach_Ability
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
- Pokemon_Skill_n[i] Gleich 3
- Set Pokemon_Skill3[i] = Teach_Ability
- Set Pokemon_Skill4[i] = Teach_Ability
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
- Einheit - Add Teach_Ability to Teach_Pokemon
Forget Skill
- Spieler - Spieler 1 (Rot) types a chat message containing - as Ein Teil-String
- Spieler - Spieler 2 (Blau) types a chat message containing - as Ein Teil-String
- Spieler - Spieler 3 (Blaugrau) types a chat message containing - as Ein Teil-String
- Teach_Forgetting[(Player number of (Triggering player))] Gleich True
- Set p = (Player number of (Triggering player))
- Set tmpPokemon = Pokemon_Out
- Set i = (Custom value of tmpPokemon)
- -------- If player typed "show", show current skills --------
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
- (Substring((Entered chat string), 2, (Length of (Entered chat string)))) Gleich show
- Spiel - Display to (Player group(Pokemon_Owner[i])) for 15.00 seconds the text: ((|cff00ff00 + ((Name of Teach_Pokemon) + |r wants to learn |cff00ff00)) + ((Name of Teach_WaitingAbility) + |r!))
- Spiel - Display to (Player group(Pokemon_Owner[i])) for 15.00 seconds the text: |cffffff00Your poke...
- Spiel - Display to (Player group(Pokemon_Owner[i])) for 15.00 seconds the text: (1 - + (Name of Pokemon_Skill1[i]))
- Spiel - Display to (Player group(Pokemon_Owner[i])) for 15.00 seconds the text: (2 - + (Name of Pokemon_Skill2[i]))
- Spiel - Display to (Player group(Pokemon_Owner[i])) for 15.00 seconds the text: (3 - + (Name of Pokemon_Skill3[i]))
- Spiel - Display to (Player group(Pokemon_Owner[i])) for 15.00 seconds the text: (4 - + (Name of Pokemon_Skill4[i]))
- Spiel - Display to (Player group(Pokemon_Owner[i])) for 15.00 seconds the text: (|cffffff80-skip = Don't learn + ((Name of Teach_WaitingAbility) + |r))
- Spiel - Display to (Player group(Pokemon_Owner[i])) for 15.00 seconds the text: |cffffff00Type -sho...
- 'ELSE'-Aktionen
- -------- If player typed a number between 1 and 4, learn ability --------
- Set tmpSlot = (Integer((Substring((Entered chat string), 2, (Length of (Entered chat string))))))
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
- tmpSlot Größer als 0
- tmpSlot Kleiner gleich 4
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
- tmpSlot Gleich 1
- Set tmpAbility = Pokemon_Skill1[i]
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
- tmpSlot Gleich 2
- Set tmpAbility = Pokemon_Skill2[i]
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
- tmpSlot Gleich 3
- Set tmpAbility = Pokemon_Skill3[i]
- Set tmpAbility = Pokemon_Skill4[i]
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
- Spiel - Display to (Player group(Pokemon_Owner[i])) for 15.00 seconds the text: ((|cff00ff00 + ((Name of Teach_Pokemon) + |r forgot |cff00ff00)) + ((Name of tmpAbility) + (|r and learned |cff00ff00 + ((Name of Teach_WaitingAbility) + |r!))))
- Einheit - Remove tmpAbility from tmpPokemon
- Einheit - Add Teach_WaitingAbility to tmpPokemon
- -------- Finish! --------
- Einheit - Pause aus PlayerTrainer
- Einheit - Make PlayerTrainer Verwundbar
- Einheit - Pause aus tmpPokemon
- Einheit - Make tmpPokemon Verwundbar
- Set Teach_Forgetting = False
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
- 'ELSE'-Aktionen
- -------- If player typed "skip", finish --------
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
- (Substring((Entered chat string), 2, (Length of (Entered chat string)))) Gleich skip
- Spiel - Display to (Player group(Pokemon_Owner[i])) for 15.00 seconds the text: ((|cff00ff00 + ((Name of Teach_Pokemon) + |r did not learn |cff00ff00)) + ((Name of Teach_WaitingAbility) + |r!))
- -------- Finish! --------
- Einheit - Pause aus PlayerTrainer
- Einheit - Make PlayerTrainer Verwundbar
- Einheit - Pause aus tmpPokemon
- Einheit - Make tmpPokemon Verwundbar
- Set Teach_Forgetting = False
- 'ELSE'-Aktionen