Control Buttons

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You basically can take usage of one of the new functions, "Disable Ability":


... but I could not see you can select "Move" with GUI, for example. You can use JASS, though, to use this function with Move, or Attack, too. See Map attached.

In demo you can see if you disable the ability 'Amov' then you remove:
  • Move
  • Hold Position
  • Patrol
.. and if now 'Aatk' gets disabled, then:
  • Attack
  • Stop
.. will be removed, too. 'Aatk" should mean to remove only "Attack". The things with "Stop" is, if "Move" and "Attack" are both removed, then it will be automatically removed, too. But if one exists, it will exist, too.


  • Remove Abilitiy.w3x
    13.1 KB · Views: 21
Level 8
Aug 13, 2018
My world editor can't open this file. A few months ago, I asked the same question and someone gave me a .text file where I could move the buttons and delete them, and I need that file. Actually you must import that file to move and delete buttons.
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