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Contest Resouces (Moderation)

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Level 49
Apr 18, 2008
Hey everybody. Recently I've been thinking a lot about the problem of contest resources. Often, resources made for contests are approved with the moderator comment of 'will receive a rating after the contest' or something similar. While that should not be a problem, often those moderators also forget to come back and rate those models.

A few examples of this, recent and very old alike:


Now, what I propose is an organized system for contest models. Basically, another tag, like 'Pending' and 'Approved', that will read 'Contest Model'. The model submitter will be able to put it on his own model, and moderators can put it on any model. This tag will stay on a model until a moderator puts it off and replaces it with 'approved'. Models tagged as a 'Contest Model' will stay in the pending section, but people could still search specifically for any 'contest models'. The point behind this whole thing is that moderators will check from time to time the 'Contest Models' category and approve\rate models that should be rated and approved. This will prevent those models from being gone under pages and pages of other models without any moderation\comment\rating at all.

I've had an alternative but reasonably possibly more difficult to implement idea. The same 'tag' system with the contest model etc... Only that models gain it only after a moderator tags a model like so. The moderator will rate and review the model, and then put on a 'Contest Model' tag and an 'expiration date'. The model's review and rating will remain invisible to all until the expiration date, after which they will become visible to everyone. The expiration date is basically the contest's due deadline. If there is an extension, it is a moderator's responsibility to adjust the expiration date accordingly.

I believe either of these systems would work and will help the moderators rate models in-time. We evidently have many of those unrated contest models lying around, which is pretty bad.
Level 18
Mar 13, 2009
I like the idea, although I have some doubts about this part:
I've had an alternative but reasonably possibly more difficult to implement idea. The same 'tag' system with the contest model etc... Only that models gain it only after a moderator tags a model like so. The moderator will rate and review the model, and then put on a 'Contest Model' tag and an 'expiration date'. The model's review and rating will remain invisible to all until the expiration date, after which they will become visible to everyone. The expiration date is basically the contest's due deadline. If there is an extension, it is a moderator's responsibility to adjust the expiration date accordingly.
I'd say a contest ends when judging has been finished and the winners have been announced. Making ratings public before the judging could create a bias. Also a lot of contests tend to get extended. There isn't really a deadline on judging though which might make it a bit complicated to take that into consideration. :p
Level 26
Jun 15, 2006
I had a similar idea some time ago, because it's also a bit difficult for me to follow which contest models already got a rating and which don't.
But at the end the creators could always pm me a link to it.

But you have my support for that contest model option.
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