This Trigger is supposed to research the upgrade and subtract the gold from the player typing the message. The problem is lets say red has 52 gold. It subtracts the 52 gold leaving red with 0 gold and it still researches the upgrade. How can i add another condition to check that red has at least 200 gold so you can't essentially just spam -mt and get the upgrades for free.
Player - Player 1 (Red) types a chat message containing -MT as An exact match
(Triggering player) Equal to Player 1 (Red)
Unit - Order Training Center 0015 <gen> to research Marksman Training
Player - Add -200 to Player 1 (Red) Current gold
Player - Player 1 (Red) types a chat message containing -MT as An exact match
(Triggering player) Equal to Player 1 (Red)
Unit - Order Training Center 0015 <gen> to research Marksman Training
Player - Add -200 to Player 1 (Red) Current gold