Coming Soon: StarCraft II Region Linking (Blizzard)

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Level 22
Feb 4, 2005
We're pleased to announce StarCraft II region linking, an exciting upcoming change that will connect a number of StarCraft II communities around the world for multiplayer matchmaking and communication purposes. In conjunction with the start of Season 3, we’ll be linking the European and Russian StarCraft II communities together; North America and Latin America will also be linked together, as will Korea and Taiwan.



As you can see this isn't full realm freedom, so not big difference but for me, I don't need to go to US Servers, I want CHAT commands /stats, /o igw, /ignore, /w as we can't do anything in-game without them... Russians are good players btw, stubborn and whoever has played on Rus servers will have good training. Just saying when these Rus guys come to play to Europe realm, expect competition. But heck the ones into the game are already on EU (Also expect more laggers but also free wins from discs lol)

Q. Does this mean that the ladders of linked regions will be combined?

A. Yes, players from linked regions will be combined into a single ladder. This means you'll have access to a larger pool of players at all skill levels to play against, which will improve the experience for players no matter what league they play in.

If I understood correctly this does not mean selecting Russian server but merging the two realms into one idk why they call it Linking. How this will affect Master and Grand Master as they are limited places I don't know.
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Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
This is of limited help. There are major communication problems in the EU servers due to language barriers and very limited player activity at night time. This addresses non of these problems and infact could make the language problem slightly worse (as russians will now find fewer people who known russian and other languages more different languages).

It would be nice if Blizzard could let EU people play on the US servers at night (and only during the night).
Level 22
Feb 4, 2005
Complaining about Russian and their язblк is like complaining about germans, french that were many in the old wc3 bnet years, like complaining now about the Chinese chat in Garena. One addtional language is nothing different. We play vs rus teams sometimes they mostly speak English. This is merging 2 regions that have always been one realm in SC1 and War3, so it was needed.

I hope they don't bring their DropHacks with them. Other than that you may see several Edited versions of maps which is not my concern and that's it.
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Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Complaining about Russian and their язblк is like complaining about germans
Not really... main difference being I can actually read German and a lot of Germans can read English so there are seldom major breakdowns in communication. I can even communicate in German, although rather badly.

The US will soon experience this to a lesser degree with the inclusision of non-english speaking countries into their region.

The problem is not people communicating in a different language. It is that people do not communicate at all. You can be in a game and ask them to do something nicly, mention their name and even spam various languages and they will sit there and say nothing. I can only assume they are very shy people of some very obscure language.

Back in the days of games like Empire Earth, these people usually were not aware that "Enter" was used to chat but this is clearly not the case with SC2 where it display "Use enter to chat" below received messages.
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