Comic Book Heros Wants You!

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Level 4
Sep 4, 2007
I tried posting this in another section of the forum with no respose. I hope that someone will read it and be interested in more than just using my skins for their projects..... :slp:


I created a map called Comic Book Heros that I have been working on for sometime, but have reached the limits of my abilities and currently looking for a "Super Pimp Map Maker". Preferrably a long time experienced JASS programmer that wants to help create the second installment CBH "Civil War".

The current version of the game can be found here at The Hive:

It is a role playing map with 24 legendary Comic Book Heros. I wanted to keep it in the ROC world so all could play and enjoy. I did most of the skinning and credit 4 from resources found here. The skins are all based on basic Wc3 models. There are 7 main quest levels with 10 Super villian Bosses.

The main drive of this post is recruitment for the new project, and possibly fix up the old first one for a final version. If you are interested in getting involved with Comic Book Heros "Civil War", which will be all TFT, please message me, or leave a post here with examples of your work. Most players seem to love the first version and I know the second will be an all time classic.

Mammoth28 aka Cybertec

Level 9
Sep 5, 2007
Well the idea of the map is good, but it have a lot of stuff that I don't like:

-I think zombies has nothing to do about the comic heros theme, maybe an invasion of cybernetic-people or a group of people that has powers to fight against the good heros, should fit.
-I saw just 2 heros and the abilities they have doesn't fit. Raven hero should have telekinetic abilities, not web shot nor eat trees. Beast hero should be named by Beast-Boy and he as only one morphing ability instead of many, I know how to do that if you want to know.

Don't take too harsh my suggestions, I'm just giving my opinion for a project that can reach a higher rank.
What I saw was just copied abilities with tooltips modified. Nowadays, good abilities are custom abilities.
Sometime ago I created some telekinetic spells, if you want them I can give you them and perhaps make some more. If you want to know how can a hero morph to many type of animals, just say it.

In meantime, I'll take a look on other hero's abilities to see if they fit on the theme of each hero and if I can help you doing some custom abilities.

However if you don't want my help, the choice is yours. Don't forget that your map hasn't been approved yet.

Some models fit, like the hulk, the raven and the batman. But others like captain america shouldn't have sword, wolverine shouldn't have axe but claws in his both hands, the aquaman could be a normal person that morphs to water form, the Iron-man shouldn't have horns, the nightcrawler shouldn't have the spear, the helboy is fatter, etc doesn't fit. You could request some models in the right forum of this site, search for it.

I can see that you used too much time working on this project so it could be released, and don't think that your map is really really good, just for the positive comments of 3 people. The most important vote is of the moderator. If your map, isn't approved, you must work more on it, work work and work until it's approved.
I think you should use the TFT expansion because it brings you more features.

Now that I've been too harsh for you I'll give some confortable words: work on this project, give your best shot, ask help to people, this project can be and will be much better than it is right now, so I want to see this map more played than ever, try your best and you'll do the best. Count on me if you want.
Level 4
Sep 4, 2007
I thank you so much for your response........ you are the first that hasn't just asked for skins. All the things you described are well known. Hence the "I'm at limit of my abilities". Limited by models, code knowledege, availibity of abilities and trying to make most of what I had and could make. Secondly the learning curve can get pretty sharp on mapping skills, and I was trying to keep it in ROC so they could see something new. People in ROC flood this map, and I would love nothing more than to give them a better, accurate version.

Searching some of these forums for help can be painful sometimes, not to metion trying to apply what they are saying. I have been unable to find much help as far as questions answered, or any collaborators on this project. There are many things needed before a final relese of this version such as D/L size, balancing, spells, and much more. I exept any critisim as long as its postive, but I am limited on what I can do about it at this point. I also welcome any help, partners, or advice. I fought to get the map this far to even feel comfortable enough to post this and upload to mapping sites. :con:

The main reason for this post was to hopefully drive the force behind the second installation "Civil War". A player vs player map reflecting the recent conflict in the Marvel universe. If you are interested in working with me, please let me know what your skill level is, and what we can do for Comic Book Heros. Plus we could discuss Civil War, if you would like, and maybe I can patch up a rough demo of it so you can at least get the view and feel of what I'm thinking.

Thanks again for your comments, and I understand how you feel on some of the characters, and spells, but hey I'm more of a idea-man/artist/script hacker. Trying to make all that work in Rise of Chaos using GUI was quite a trick for me. It could be so much better, and I think "Civil War" can take it to the next level. Like you bought for your Super Nintendo, Lol. I still would like the first one in ROC and save the super stuff for the second one which will be TFT.

Lemme know,

P.S. Feel free to give me examples of maps you have worked on.
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Level 9
Sep 5, 2007
Okay! I was hoping you didn't become mad with me, and I'm happy with that, you accepted the negative criticism about your map, that's good!

Ahm, I can help you but not in full time, I'm working on a project, helping another person in another map with spells, so the only thing I can help is: say in what you need help and within a week I'll do it for you.
My favorite hobby on warcraft is doing custom spells in GUI and lastly I've done a completly new spell, that was never seen before, I think. It's a mix of two spells.

I can't give you examples of maps that I've made, because I've only completed one and it was a boring one, made a long time ago, so now I can do much better than I could before.

But a weeks a go, I invented a new casting spells system that is very simple and some systems, that change with environment, for example weather, temperature, ect.
I think there is much about my WC3 experience to tell you about, if you wanna know more just ask.

Ok you could let the first version be as it is right now, and start a new one, with new spells, new systems, more realism, more heroes, new models, more stuff.
Level 4
Sep 4, 2007
Sounds great. I have one other person that is interested in getting involved so I would like to setup kind of a web meeting on MSN or yahoo chat to discuss game. Please let me know when you might be availible for that to get the ball rolling.

At that time, I can upload you a very raw demo map of CBH "Civil War" to see some ideas so far. I am really excited to able to work with another people on a map verses the solo effort. I really think it will produce a better product to have more than one mind involved.
Level 4
Sep 4, 2007
CBH Civil War Items

Here are some things about "Civil War" I would like to have and would like to hear others ideas on what they might like to see in this game:

#1 A third person close view with a camera following system already inplace but could use some tweekage. Here are a couple of pics to show you the view.

<The Library at S.H.I.E.L.D. base>


<S.H.I.E.L.D. Base entry>

#2 Would like to utilize a arrow key movement as well as the mouse click.

#3 As mentioned by Wizardum fixed models for characters like wolverine with claws verses axe, no horns on ironman golem model, etc. so that are as close to the actual character as we can get them.

#4 The pimpest character selection I have ever seen is on Azeroth Grand Prix where the characters spin around, and you can scroll through them. One key would be to have it when a character is choosen by a player it is removed from selection by the other remaining players still looking, so we dont have 2 hulks, 2 flashes, and so on.

#5 In the Civial War series of Marvel Comics, heros fight each other for the right of whether or not to have super heros registered with the government, and the super villians are still at large and use this against all. The main push is from Dr. Doom to find the hammer of Thor that fell back to earth. The point is to possibly have one player as its own force fighting both sides that can create minons according to the level of the heros and try to destory both teams. Just a thought on that one.

#6 Some base structure items of game would be Player vs Player with either:
2 teams of 6 or
2 teams of 5 and a team for a super villian and a civilian player.
2 main bases and base for Villians to help grow our characters for PvP battle.

#7 The ability to level to 100 if able. With all characters completely balaced. Possibly having all with the same attribute like strength or intel. It seems in most all games the agility guys are over powered. Not to metion taking out items that are unfair advantage like bash. Bash + Agility = a hero frozen in time, and cant battle. I dont mind a low end bash effect, temparary, but even with mass agility the other guy needs to at least be able to fight back or run away to safer ground.

#8 Special civilian quest where u get a unique item for completing civilian quest.

#9 Possibly a backpack system so we can use items as skill implants like CBH has.

#10 The avilibility to purchase, get in, and drive cars.

#11 You will see in the game it has ceilings for bases, and would like to keep that aspect of a closed in building for the feel.

These are just a few ideas I would like to incorporate, and would like to hear yours. Plus anyone else who happens to read this post. We can move this to another section of forum if needed, since I think we have the people we need. Its just getting us all together and discussing who can do what for the game to get started. All terrian is temparay for feel and look, and can be changed as needed. I am very excited about this project.

<A Street View>

<Wolverine and The Incredible Hulk Battle>
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Level 9
Sep 5, 2007
This implementations to project are very good, but it will take you hours.

#1/#2 There's a system in THW that the camera is right behind the unit and you move the unit with arrows, very cool.

#4 I can do that system for you if you wish.

#5/#6 Here is an idea: all players are neutral to each other, and then they start to do alliances to make the search for that hammer or other unique and rare item possible. And so they can treat as enemys the other players.

#7 This is simple. If want a limit level of 100, make abilities like 20 levels each one. About attributes, the bash and agility are two stuff that combine too much well, so instead the hero receives agility each level, you can add agility to the hero when it reachs a certain level. I've got another idea, the heros of the marvel don't use any magical or odd energy, but they use the simple energy of their bodies and minds, so i was thinking instead using mana, change the name of intelligence to fatigue or mind energy, and every time they use power, the intelligence lowers it value, when reached 1, the hero could become stunned. The intelligence ups by x every y seconds to a limited number or unlimited number.

#10 That's a good idea if the hero needs to travel to the other side of the map, but restringe the drive cars to heros like the thing or hulk. Maybe a huger transport should fit.

Keep the good work, you're doing well!! :wink::thumbs_up:
Level 4
Sep 4, 2007
Still Looking for Model Maker

We accomplished alot this weekend on getting a team togather. We will see who really puts in the effort, and if we have the firepower to accomplish what we want. We are still looking for a "Model Maker". I have found many weaponless models, but we need some formed more to the exact character.. Like Ironman Golem Hornless, etc.

Here are a couple pics from The Marvel Universe archives for Civil War. Please post or PM me if interested in helping this project become great. Thx



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