Naga Matriarch
Ogre Warrior
Fire Panda
Name: Naga Matriarch – Sa'gara, Lady of the Sea
Primary Attribute: Agility
Affilation: Coalition
Gender: Female
Race: Naga
Role: Defender
Damage: 44 - 62
Armor: 6
Movementspeed: 285
Health-Regeneration: 0.25
Mana-Regeneration: 0.01
Weapon Type: Missile
Cooldown: 1.6
Range: 600
Start Health Points: 500
Start Mana Points: 255
Among the sailors all over the Regnum, there's an old story of a reckless king, in love with the seas and oceans, that abandonned his family, riches and kingdom just to sail the western waves. The King ventured too far and was met with the sea witch. As they fought each other away from the shores, a thunderstorm hit the Regnum's ports. The waves crushed with enough violence to destroy a dock or two and to drag and sink boats stationed on the shores. Moments before the storm stopped, the wind brought forth a woman's dark laugh.
It was assumed the King had perished in his journey and sailors dared not venture into the seas. Thruth is, the King came close to death. As his ship was destroy by the powerful witch Sa'gara and his crew lost to the roaring salty waters, his shinnning golden armor brought his foe's attention. The witch rescued him and both lived in her underwater caves. He told her of the majesty of his kingdom as he now missed his family and his land. She listened as a child drawn by a fantasy tale. As the king passed, she took it upon herself to find the old man's land of glory. After years of searching, Sa'gara found her way to the Regnum's shores but, in place of fiendly taverns and beatiful woods, she found scarred battlefields and a land engulfed in a great war, of which she's never seen.
Tidal Shield:
This shield makes the Naga immune to spells and boosts her life regeneration.
Impaling Spine:
The Naga Matriarch throws a magical Spear, dealing damage, stunning the target and damaging it over 60 seconds.
Crushing Wave:
The Naga Matriarch sends out a deadly gust of water wich will increase in size and damage with traveled distance. End damage is 4 times the start damage.
The Naga channels a deadly Maelstrom, turning all units slowly around her, dealing damage to all enemy units caught.
Name: Ogre – Jabbar the Infidel
Primary Attribute: Strength
Affilation: Coalition
Gender: Male
Race: Ogre
Role: Slayer
Damage: 56 - 70
Armor: 8
Movementspeed: 295
Health-Regeneration: 0.25
Mana-Regeneration: 0.01
Weapon Type: Normal
Cooldown: 2.1
Range: Melee
Start Health Points: 650
Start Mana Points: 255
Not only the Tau or the Aj'dar are part of the Bel'trama. There are many other tribes and small clans that make the nation, but these often fight among themselves. There was a clan, long ago, of very few members. They were tall, fat and very strong brutes. Honor among themselves was so high they wouldn't dare betrayed each other or their clan. They were the Abbari. They made their home in the Abbar Peaks, two lone mountains, an oasis of water springs and lush forests in the middle of a wide desert. As dumb as they were, the Abbari were also very hospitable to travellers. In one occassion, they welcomed a group of wounded Aj'dari. Foolishly betrayed, the travellers proved to have been acting their pain out and quickly murdered the whole of the Abbari. Only to prove the power of their tribe, to prove they could easily defeat the clan none wanted to mess with.
When Jabbar came home from a long exile he found the forests burned and the waters tainted red. Not even his rain of tears could cleanse such a lifeless land. The last of the Abbari, he found the culprits but was ultimately defeated and made a prisoner. As such, he suffered the same fate as the Aj'dari and the Tau and now finds himself on a massive war. The undead fight a kingdom of tiny men, a cult of moon lovers and the Bel'trama that forced him into such a wat. A giant beast and a great asset to any side, Jabbar's future depends under which banner he chooses to fight for.
Axe Throw:
The Ogre Warrior throws his mighty axe at a target enemy, damaging and stunning anyone near where it lands.
The Ogre performs a mighty attack with his Battle Axe, attempting to decapitate a target enemy. If the target is low on Health, this attack will instantly kill the target. There's a 50% chance to kill the target if it's a hero.
Mighty Swing:
The Ogre Warrior attacks with great might, causing his attacks to damage nearby enemies in addition to his main target. The further the enemy is away from the Ogre the less damage it takes.
The Ogre Warrior concentrates his power to consume the complete damage to regain his life. After a short period of time he releases the total consumed power for a last final attack.
Name: Fire Panda – Master Pan'Chou
Primary Attribute: Agility
Affilation: Coalition
Gender: Male
Race: Pandaren
Role: Slayer
Damage: 22 - 42
Armor: 6
Movementspeed: 310
Health-Regeneration: 0.25
Mana-Regeneration: 0.01
Weapon Type: Normal
Cooldown: 1.9
Range: Melee
Start Health Points: 600
Start Mana Points: 255
There is a black sheep to any shepherd's flock. For the late Magi's Guild there was Master Pan'Chou. The only man that became an archmage for only one week -when the actual archmage fell sick-. He taught alchemy to the Guild's students and, actually, didn't have any powers over magic. For his akwardness and unorthodox way of life, he was branded a fool and a buffoon by the other mages and the King's court. Something to which he seemed to not pay attention but eventually came to hurt his feelings. He ultimately earned his indefinitive expulsion from the Guild as he brewed a potion that would give him control over magic, a potion that would earn him his due respect. But to no avail. He drank the infusion in front of the whole Guild only to turn into a cute fury animal. The Archmage was repulsed by the show and the embarrasement Pan'Chou made of himself. He was exiled before he could prove his succes: he had become a fire-mage!
He lived as a hermit, training and mastering his new abilities but the fall of the Magi's Guild at the hands of the Forsaken drove him out of his exile. He felt the death of the magi deep within his heart. The wound left a scar and he swore to avenge them. The Master of alchemy and fire will torch wave after wave of undead, but he can't fight alone. He could go back to the nation that has always rejected him or join the divine Order of the Moon. But he also feels very familiar with the Bel'trama. Whatever side he chooses, he will fight the Forsaken and prove himself a true warrior, not a dumb buffoon.
Hack'n Slash:
The Fire Panda starts multiple attacks to random enemies, dealing damage to each. After returning to the start point, his attackspeed is increased.
High Jump:
The Fire Panda quickly jumps in the air moving to the target area, dealing damage to enemies he lands on and stuns them.
The Fire Panda throws his blades in the target direction, damaging all enemies they hit. Each blade can only hit an enemy once.
Art of Fire:
The Fire Panda enhances his weapons with fire and increases the effectiveness of his abilities. Each enemy he attacks, hits with Hack'n Slash or with Bladethrow, will be ignited, dealing damage over time for 3 seconds. High Jump will now also create a mighty fire nova on impact, dealing additional damage and knocks enemies away from the Fire Panda.