(Closed) v2.0 Mapwide Update

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Hosted Project 2PC
Level 22
Jul 16, 2007
The 2-Player Campaign
Mapwide Update

A mapwide update is planned to be applied to all maps!
This update will occur within the next couple of days, after that I will begin work on U9.

This is what the update will include:

- Revise Upkeep System: The old upkeep system was slightly unfair against the player due to the rounding values.
Old upkeep levels:
- No Upkeep - 0-29 food - 0% reduction of gold (+5)
- Low Upkeep - 30-47 food - 40% reduction of gold (+3)
- High Upkeep - 48-60 food - 60% reduction of gold (+2)
New upkeep levels:
- No Upkeep - 0-19 food - 0% reduction of gold (+5)
- Low Upkeep - 20-37 food - 20% reduction of gold (+4)
- High Upkeep - 38-49 food - 40% reduction of gold (+3)
- Max Upkeep - 50-60 food - 60% reduction of gold (+2)
- Shared Resource Drop-Off: You will be able to drop off gold and lumber at allied buildings.

- Send Resources Command: Two new commands "-gold X" and "-wood X" will be added which will allow you to send resources to your ally. I will also disable manual gold sending. This system is to avoid people accidently losing resources to upkeep!

- Revised Exchange System: The exchange system can occassionally bug, causing you select and exchange unwanted units. I aim to fix/reduce this. You will also no longer be able to exchange worker units such as peasants or acolytes. (Normally you cannot exchange; Heroes, Summons, Altars or Town Halls)

- Item Drop on Hero Change: In some of the older maps, when the 2nd player changes hero their items would drop on the floor at the start of the next mission. Now they will appear directly in the new hero's inventory.

- Save/Load Code Update: The save/load system will record your rank that you recieve after each mission, and will give you an overall rank at the end of the campaign. This update will make all codes obselete except those that are given at the end of H9 and U8.

- Some Minor Base Redesign: I may be inclined to redesign some bases in older chapters, due to the introduction of these new shared systems.

- Shared Queue Information: This idea comes from McQvaBlood, you will be able to view what units/researches you ally is getting at a building by clicking the building.

- Link to Forum on Loading: This idea comes from McQvaBlood & Amauta, in every loading screen a link to these forums will be added. To allow more people who enjoy our campaign to find us here! 2pcampaign.tk

- Map Version: All maps will have their file name updated to v2.0, so that they can be managed more easily.

- Player Check: At the begining of the map the game will detect if there are 2 players in the game. If there is not then you will be unable to load your code.

- Scorescreen Icon: The sub-hero in the scorescreen now has a custom made '2' icon instead of an Arthas icon.

- Bug Fixes: There will also be a couple of bug fixes to some of the 'forgotten bugs'. These include:
- In the Human Campaign, Town Halls cannot Call to Arms.
- On H2, the Mortar Dwarf does not enter the blacksmith when 'forging'.
- On H2, Uther's attack is disabled when he leaves the base, this is to stop him chasing retreating orcs.
- On H4, Priests use the TFT priest mode.
- On H03/07, Falric's inventory is removed when he becomes an NPC.
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Level 18
Jul 3, 2010
I will complete a test map for my other idea today or tomorrow, perhaps. (Shared unit upkeeps.)
I will post it here and then you can decide if you'd like to include it.
That would also modify the upkeep values you suggested a bit. (Effectively double them.)

EDIT: Are you using 'Custom value' for anything? If not, the test map is complete and the triggers can be put to use. If yes, than I will need to find a way to work around an issue with dying structures.
EDIT2: The system works smoothly... Only sometimes is bugs randomly, but I'll eradicate this issue.
EDIT3: I was able to identify what causes the bug, but I don't know how I'll fix it yet. If I come up with a solution, this should be ready.
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Level 18
Jul 3, 2010
I've already worked around nearly all the previously supposed mistakes of this system.
Have a look yourself.
This is an incomplete version though, as there is still one bug when canceling unit production.
(When you queue up 4 Footmans and then cancel the last Footman, for example, you get -2 food, because the system thinks that unit has been payed for with food already. I'm still thinking about it.)

Btw, don't let yourself be confused by the delay when updating team resources, there is no wait in the system. You can test it yourself by simply producing units with the gray player. Your own statistics will update immediately.

Sorry if the wording on this post is strange, I just woke up from my afternoon sleep and I'm still dizzy.


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Level 18
Jul 3, 2010
You mean it does not update immediately?
It's because of team resources. The team resources multiboard only updates every 2 seconds or so.
Simply build a gray footman. You will see that your own food levels update immediately. This is what happens to gray as well, but team resources won't change until the next 2 seconds or so have passed.

You won't be able to notice this when playing it properly. (Without full shared unit control and with two players.)
Level 18
Jul 3, 2010
Perhaps you could also add a version note to the file and map names?
For example, Trudging through the Ashes is at version 1.7.
You could rename the map from 2P Undead 01 to 2P Undead 01 v1.7
You could rename the file name the same way.
This would be especially useful when a replay of a bug, which cannot be reproduced very easily is on an outdated version.


Hosted Project 2PC
Level 22
Jul 16, 2007
Yeah I'll update them from then on, 2.1 2.2 etc.

EDIT: Unfortunately, the length of adding version to the map name is impossible, as it is too many characters.
However, the map version is still the file's name, and the version can also be seen on the map's description. (Seen by the host when selecting the map)

EDIT2: Another addition I have decided to add is that 2 players must be present in the game in order for you to load your code.

EDIT3: McQva might not like this, but ANOTHER addition I have planned to add is to disable the abilty to -exchange worker units such as acolytes or peasants.
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Level 18
Jul 3, 2010
Well, this will not solve this supposed cheat.
We will just train those first three Acolytes from our respective Town Halls and then still unsummon one of the Town Halls.
The only way you could do this is by undoing the shared upgrade system.
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Hosted Project 2PC
Level 22
Jul 16, 2007
OOer, true.
But it actually gives a reason for there being 2 town halls at all.

EDIT: The update is done, and this thread is closed!
If anyone has anything new they think should be added or if anyone has any disagreements with the recent changes then please start a new thread in Player Feedback.
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