It appears who and what we are has been entirely misdescribed here. So I shall point out the logical flaw in each post.
thesunknight said:
I wanted to know what gives with them and can I stop them?
"What gives" is that we are fed up of the constant supply of simply moronic hosts clogging up our game lists with games of SotDRP and the like when they cannot RP for shit. Clans created for no purpose than to satiate some 14-year-old's desite to have power over others to make up for social problems. People who have the belief that they have more worth than others for no reasonable cause.
For this reason, we cannot be stopped.
leet.firefox said:
You could contact Blizzard.
Provide some evidence and names.
Many have tried. Even to my own surprise, no action has been taken against us. There are several plausable explanations for this.
1) Blizzard don't care about custom games.
We're not ladder. We're not DotA. Blizzard will do nothing for those because frankly, it's a slippery slope. And they see that.
2) Blizzard don't care about Warcraft 3
Are we bringing in money each month, like the WoWers? No. There's no monetary profit to it.
3) Breaking up social niches means that people are more likely to buy Starcraft 2 on release.
But I doubt Blizzard would think that far into it.
Ricardo Irving said:
Fuck, we should sue whatever the HIVE is, or maybe we should sue The Hive?
I hope you're trolling. In order to sue us, The Hive Workshop would need to own the name Hive. And even so you're more likely to own Hive Workshop than Hive.
Then there's the fact you can't sue for that on Warcraft 3 anyway. Go call a clan NIKE.
~Void~ said:
But naw, go to their channel and troll the shit out of them. Best strategy evar.
Ricardo Irving said:
Lol, so the clan has 10,000 + dumb fuck Americans that flame all day?
Trolling us is like pissing into an ocean of piss, and we find americans lack wit and sarcasm needed for what we do.
i_brg_doom said:
i hate Sotdrp i mean comone evryone who plays that should just learn how to map. anyway about that clan its not funny for you but i dont hate it
The_wand_mirror said:
Euh, once saw divineboss online and i thought he was in that clan :s
Azeroc said:
~Void~ said:
Sounds fun.