City Defense is a map that I, nickdean16, created alone. It is really quite unique from most games. 1 team is the humans, at the start they control basicly all the map. Each human player (8) has a hero that can build structures for them and fight the zombies. The other team is the Lichs/Zombies where the players (2) control armys of zombies and their powerful lich, as well as having the option to summon zombies and more powerful foes with the lich, as well as making structures to aid the undead. This map is heavily tech based, meaning if the lichs are not teched very high in the zombies, they will almost ALWAYS LOSE! After 30 minutes the human army arrives and the humans win. The Lichs win when they kill the human king in the center of the map. Thank you for DLing and I hope you like my map
P.S.- Please host this as much as you can if you like it, im trying to make it popular but its really hard when im the only 1 hosting, and also if you want to message me with ideas I am on East with username nickdean16.
City,Defense,Zombies,Zombie, Lich, Lichs, Human, Humans, Army, ETA, Timelimit, Vampirism, Beast, Ice, Fire, Speed, Island, Fun, Exciting, Unique, Diff