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Chronicles of Tera opinions

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Level 4
Jun 19, 2007
The races of warcraft are at peace; and a final pact was made to destroy the ever-coming assault of the undead Scourge. But when a final attempt was mustered, a dark portal opened in the middle of the Raging Malestrom. What lay past was a new world; perfect for colonization by the New Alliance, or destruction by the Scourge. Though barely holding, the New Alliance defenders fought off Scourge advances for months. But they can't hold forever. To worsen the situation, the Tera (the world was named) Exploration was attacked on the other side by The Coalition, an alliance of creeps that knew the invaders would corrupt and harvest their lands until nothing remained. So trapped between the Horde and the Scourge, the Tera Exploration must fight their way into the new land of Tera and defeat The Coalition, or they would surely be overtaken by the battilions of advancing Scourge warriors...

Chronicles of Tera (the series): The Coalition (the map) is an AOS map that takes place in a destroyed monastary, still filled with rogue magic creeps and crazy arcane spells. These are both acctually part of the game, which I will explain later. Each race will have 10 heroes, and each will have 1 innate ability, 4 regular ones, and an ultimate. The map is very large, exceding the normal limits using the World Editor Unlimited. The extra space will be used for rare merchants, creeps, and other stuff. I was hoping to have some type of equipment system, but I have come across none I have liked so far.

The creep path will be winding and non-linear(unlike dota), and each team will have multiple town halls. Each town hall will have two unit options; Immediate reinforcements and Permenant Reinforcements. Each has its seperate points, and you can't use Immediate Points(I.P.) for Permentant Reinforcements (Permentant Points=P.P.). Now I.P. are built up by simpler actions like killing units and heroes. Every x units killed(there will be other methods) earns you an I.P.. Immediate Reinforcements are like hiring a unit, 1 of that unit will spawn instantly and follow the town hall's spawn path. I.P charge fast.

Permenant Reinforcements add one unit of the selected type to the Town Hall's wave. Hypothetical Example: a Town Hall spawns 2 grunts and 1 rifleman. You use one I.P. to hire a Rifleman. A rifleman will instantly appear and follow that Town Hall's pre-set path. Now you use a P.P. on a rifleman. 2 Riflemen will spawn per wave instead of 1.

Now for the rogue magic and spells. There will be Neutral Hostile creeps in the monastary that are magical (golems, elementals, evil magicians...). But there will be random magicial effects in the monastary, like random Blizzards, or AoE slowing. But there are also stoppable forces. There are random obelisks(resurection stone) that will spawn creeps that will be sent at your base and cast powerful spells. These can be destroyed to stop the magic and spawns. Also in the center of the map is four obelisks you can capture to use their magic!

Regular units:
Tera Exploration:
Footman (balanced atk & def)
Grunt (powerful atk & hp, low armor)
Mtn. Giant (lots of hp, low amr & atk)(Hardened Skin)
Headhunter ( balanced atk & def)
Rifleman (powerful atk, avg armor, low hp)
Siege Machine (siege atk, good amr, low hp)
Priest (balanced atk & def)(AoE Heal)(Upgrade: Firebolt +atk(autocast), Pain (stun))
Shaman (balanced atk & def, more offensive spells)(AoE Bloodlust)(UP: Summon Fire Elemental, Flame Buff (dispell & dmg))
Druid(Talon) (low stats, def spell)(Rejuvenation Wave(Chain))(Starfall(Rain of Fire)(1wave), Envenomed Spear)

The Coalition:
Furbolg (balanced atk & def)
Ogre (powerful atk & hp, low armor)
Dire Wolf (powerful atk, low amr & def)(stealth)
Axe Ranger (balanced atk & def)
Shadow Elemental (voidwalker) (powerful atk, low hp & amr)(breath of darkness)
Catapult (siege atk, good amr, low hp)
Shadow Priest (balanced atk & def)(AoE Heal)(Upgrade: Entangling Roots, Death Coil)
Furbolg Monk (balanced atk & def, more defensive spells)(Slow:slow cooldown)(UP: Summon Rock Golem, Silence (singletarget))
Dryad (balanced stats)(Gust(carrion swarm)(Wind Walk(AOE +speed), Spirit Explosion(NE building Death)

My hands hurt and I have almost nothing left so thats it for now but I will add more if you want. Latah:infl_thumbs_up:
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Level 4
Dec 3, 2007
somehow i think you were inspired by the Chronicles of Narnia for the title but i wont blame you, it was a good book :) even with a lot more pages then a regular novel.
so basically your making an AoS where a group has to escape by fighting with another group or be killed by advancing scourge soldiers...
Seems interesting but you should rename it to something more like Escape From Tera because your map is not a campaign with all the adventure crap "chronicles"-->NARNIA lol are supposed to have.
Well ill certainly play it but first post the screenies as soon as possible and post info about the heros >< and finally : You Dont Need To Friggin Make 2 Threads About The Friggin Same Thing ; http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/showthread.php?t=58982.
Now that thats out have fun mapping lolz....
Level 4
Jun 19, 2007
The two threads was a mistake, my internet lagged a LOTT and back was somehow the sumbit thread button.
Routers...what'ya gonna do?

Hero suggestions would help, im not that imaginative. So if you've got some ideas...
Level 4
Dec 3, 2007
kk id be happy to give you some suggestions, but first tell me, you said dat there was 10 races and each had 1 hero or something ryt? if im wrong then sry didnt really read everything but if im ryt then tell me fer each race so i can more accurate w/ my hero suggestions
Level 4
Jun 19, 2007
There are 2 races, each with 10 heroes. The Tera Exploration is the orcs, NEs, Humans, ELves, dwarfs, gnomes and maybe forsaken(Undead\WoW). The Coalition is creeps from anywhere really, the point is that they are all working together to fight back the Tera Exploration. The undead(Scourge) just constantly attack both bases until one dies. Talking about it is kinda wierd, it seems much cooler in my head. Working on screenies...

Heroes I may need help with...
Level 36
Jul 1, 2007
I got a hero idea, that I may use in a map or something but seeing as I never finish my projects...
Well I don't know what to name this one but something like commander or captain.

Spell #1 - Rally
Something like avatar, only can target allied units too.
Spell #2 - Slice 'n Dice
A channeling spell that will make the hero hit the target until it flees or the time is up. Does damage per interval until the channel is broken and then does extra damage depending on how long it lasted. Basically used for "GTFO OR DIE" tactics.
Spell #3 - Battle Flag
Summons an invulnerable battle flag ward that increases the combat efficiency of nearby allied units, and maybe at later levels debuffs enemies. Basically just summons a unit with a few auras.
Ultimate #1 - Charge!
Nearby units get damage and speed bonus and are temporarily invulnerable.
Level 11
Dec 15, 2007
Just because "Chronicles" is in its name does mean it's anything like "The Chronicles of Narnia" I mean c'mon man...

Look through hero factory, most ppl seem intimaterd to go through there but it helps alot for ideas. I think it's a cool idea but warcraft has seenenough of other worlds imo. I just think a new continent would be a better idea =D

So i'm guessing there is gonna be multiple maps? hope they aren't all AoS
Level 4
Dec 3, 2007
There are 2 races, each with 10 heroes. The Tera Exploration is the orcs, NEs, Humans, ELves, dwarfs, gnomes and maybe forsaken(Undead\WoW). The Coalition is creeps from anywhere really, the point is that they are all working together to fight back the Tera Exploration. The undead(Scourge) just constantly attack both bases until one dies. Talking about it is kinda wierd, it seems much cooler in my head. Working on screenies...

Heroes I may need help with...

Ok here are some ideas :
Orc Heros :

Orc Butcher : Once a normal human, he refused to help a women by lettingher inside his house for hospitality by a deadly cold winter storm. Before dying, the women cursed the man to eternal misfortune and the next day, he founded the women frozen dead outside his house and he realized he had become and orc. He looks creepy and he inspires fear in anybody with his eyes, if anybody dares to stare at his eyes for too long, he will die of terrible misery. The Orc Butcher will stop at nothing to find the cure to his curse.

Abilities :

1-The Cure : Drinking a so called cure for his curse, the butcher will transform
himself to a monster even more disgusting than his old form, making him stronger but slower.

2-Disguise : People fear his true form, so he has to eat the meat of a dark beast and absorb its poison to disguise himself as a human, people cannot see him but he takes damage over time

3-Great Determination : The Butcher never gave up on his quest, it gives him determination and makes him more confident as he attacks.

4-Stare Of The Wild : The Orc Butcher violently stares the people in front on him, if they watch him for more then 3 seconds, they will instantly die.

Orc SpellKnight : His parents were shamans who practiced dark magic beyond the limits orc belived, for that, they were exiled from the orcs with theyre children. One day, warriors came and killed the boys parents, he managed to survives but nobody knows how. When he grew up, he came back to his old hometown, people wanted to take his life but it seems that he was stronger then anybody, he rapidly claimed the title of lord of the orcs by killing anybody opposing him.

Abilities :

1-Charge : Call a pack of riders and order them to trample a group of enemies

2-Secret Training : Gives a huge boost at first, but doesnt give as much in as
you train the skill, in attack speed, attack and defense *passive*

3-Wrath Of The Exiled : Inspired by his parents research on dark magic, the Orc SpellKnight absorbs the energy of the underworld, reduces his hp to 50% but doubles his attack damage

4-UnderWorlds Prince : the SpellKnight will transform himself into the "darkness" of the heart, meteors will fall from the sky and 3 different novas will spread. One hit will kill the SpellKnight while hes transforming but theres a barrier of magical energy that will protect him a little bit.

Going to post more later, and dont blame me if my stuff isnt really clear or not related to wc3 or w/e, i didnt finish the campaigns so i dont know everything :hohum:
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