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Chosen of Shar (ShadowHeart)(Beta)

This bundle is marked as pending. It has not been reviewed by a staff member yet.
Here is an icon for this model : Chosen of Shar (ShadowHeart)(Beta) By Bleeq

* No intentions to make the helmet version, because the model doesn't work in my editor :xxd:

Chosen of Shar (ShadowHeart)(Beta) (Icon)

Level 18
Feb 2, 2009
I love this! The only thing I could think of that could improve it is adding in the little Shar-Circlet she wears. I think that would go a long way in helping instant-recognition of the character at a glance.

The red aura really gives some good definition to the hair which I love, and lets you sort of see the ponytail all the way behind her.

More than anything good job in capturing her sort of RBF style of facial expression without it lookin too plain. Wonderful job!