It looks better now, but still seems sort of bland. With how the alphed parts look I'm assuming you are not using Photoshop, but there might still be the tools I'll recommend to use in the program you are using to create this. It looks as though you used burn and dodge to add shading and highlights, those tools altar the saturation of whatever they are used on. In Photoshop there is a setting for the brush tool called "color", which just changes the hue and saturation of everything it is used over (ie if used over the scales it will change their saturation back to the same levels it should be, while retaining the shading and texture). Using this tool with a blend setting and/or low opacity will also allow you to easily apply other color variations to the skin as well, I'd recommend adding a few different shades of green to the skin to make it more dynamic and interesting.
As for the eyes, they are the same shape and in the same place as the original chimera skin, regardless of weather you applied color over them or not. With the chimera's wrap, you can put the eyes anywhere on the entire head and have them still work out. With the tendency for eyes to be further forward on most Naga units, I would recommend moving the eyes closer to the front of the face as well. And for the Naga-ness of this skin, the Naga race includes essentially everything in the Sunken Ruins tileset, so whatever tropical colors you choose should fit the theme, the only color choice I would advise to stay away from is the Naga Siren's color - over half of the Naga skins on this site use those colors XD.
Anyways, I would still like to see a little more shading, change the eyes, and play with the coloration a bit. See if you can find a brush that changes the hue and saturation for you, it is much easier than resorting to changing the hue and saturation of the skin with selecting chunks of it and using functions from a drop-down menu