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Channeling Spell

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Level 7
May 16, 2004
Alright I have been trying to make a Mental Domination skill for my map and I hit a bit of an impasse. It is supposed to have a permanent effect on creeps and channel against heroes. But the problem is that once I change their ownership the spell craps out because it can't target allies.

Now I have tried about 30 combinations of allowed targets and I can't make it work. So does anyone know how I can make this damned spell function properly?
Level 6
Aug 12, 2005
Perhaps if you turn the non-agression between the target and the caster off with the action:
Player - Set Aspect of Alliance
For owner of casting unit, turn alliance (non-agression) Off toward owner of target unit of ability being cast.

I don't know if it works perfectly for what you want, is only an idea, but I think that would help u! :wink:
Level 7
May 6, 2005
What spell did you base it on?

Some spells have to do something, like life drain need to drain for example 0.01 life every 9999999999 seconds or something, it's the same with other spells, they have to do something, else they'll bug out.
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