Channel Ability - Cursor not appearing.

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Level 5
Mar 24, 2020

I've created an ability using Channel.

The point of the Ability is for it to target a tree and then for the tree to be removed simply with triggers. This is a work around for 'Eat Tree' as the unit needs to gather as well, and "Eat Tree" is used on a right click instead of gather.

The issue I'm having is that the spell removes the cursor when clicked. The cursor can only been seen via the top menu and over the ability panel. But, it cannot select a tree as it disappears.

Is there an option in the object editor that I'm missing to enable this?

Thank you.
Level 5
Mar 24, 2020
Thanks Uncle that sorted it! The issue i've got now is that is doesn't allow me to actually target a tree. I've got Tree, Dead and Alive selected in the Targets Allowed, but still no luck.

Sorry i'm quite new to developing custom spells to an extent.


Warcraft Moderator
Level 71
Aug 10, 2018
I was worried about that. You could use the Sentinel ability instead, setting the Duration to 0.001 and removing all unwanted effects.

Edit: Nevermind, just re-read your post and I see that you're trying to avoid Right Click issues that these abilities cause. Not too sure how to get around this.

Maybe you could re-direct the Sentinel/Eat Tree order to be replaced with Gather whenever you right click a tree.
  • Example
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit Is issued an order targeting an object
    • Conditions
      • (Issued order) Equal to (Order(sentinel))
    • Actions
      • Unit - Order (Ordered unit) to Harvest (Target destructible of issued order)
Not sure where to go from there.
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Level 5
Mar 24, 2020
Yeah it's a strange one! I think I'm just going to give an item to the unit and then encourage removing a tree that way. A lot cleaner I think and it saves trying to manipulate a variety of triggers for the same effect.
Thanks for your help anyway!
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