Changing spell cast points

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Level 2
Jun 28, 2010
I am an experienced map creator who have been editing for years, even though im new to this forum. But in almost all of my maps i bump into a problem, the problem that you dont seem to be able to change the cast point on units in game (cast point is the delay between a unit begining to cast an ability, and starting the effect of an ability). Does anyone know a simple way to do this?

I would like to avoid changing the unit into an exact copy but with a different casting point. The best would be if there was a script command for changing the cast point (though i REALLY doubt that), but there is also the the alternative with an artificial casting time through triggers. If you have any ideas of simple ways to do this, please tell me.
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Level 2
Jun 28, 2010
check the unit editor, its in the 6:th spot from the top and is called Art - Animation - Cast Point even though it doesnt really have much to do with the animation, it only determines the time between begining to cast an ability, and starting the effect of an ability. There is also One that is called Cast Backswing, which is the delay between starting the effect, and finnishing casting. During the second delay the unit will not auto attack, but it will interupt if you take any actions other than casting a spell. I want to figure out a way to change these two in game, or do them artificially with trigger, which is something i have failed with so far.
Level 2
Jun 28, 2010
Ability morphing would not even work because cast point is being known to not update to the new data.

There is casting time of abilities but that is really meh because the caster cannot be reordered meanwhile.

Well, show your attempt of the custom realization.
Seriusly WaterKnight, what is upp with you and wanting to take a look at other peoples maps XD? You've pretty much asked me that in every single post you've made in my threads. Unfortunately i didn't save that atempt, i could recreate it, but i don't really see the point.

I tried to use casting time on abilities instead of the casting point on units, but there where some issues with interupting the spells, and with the animations which didnt always work, even though they where made with triggers and thus should not depenn on the spell. Spells also work differently with casting time. For example Blizzard uses casting time as the delay between waves. I think this may be the issue, but im not sure how to avoid it.
Level 2
Jun 28, 2010
I did not specifically say to upload the map but tell of your attempt because I have no idea why you failed/at what.

Well, so your abilities are not even triggered, which makes it even more difficult.
My abilities are completely triggered, when did i ever say they where not? It is just the casting time that works differently on the spells. If i could make it work, then i would still have to avoid a lot of abilities. THe easiest way to solve the problem would be if you could change the casting point on units in-game.

I have already told of my atempt. Im not sure on what parts i should have been more specific.
Level 26
Aug 18, 2009
If your abilities are triggered, it is unlikely that you will trip over a special casting time like the one of Blizzard because you may pick another base or most people even go with Channel (ANcl).

[...]but there is also the the alternative with an artificial casting time through triggers.

[...]or do them artificially with trigger, which is something i have failed with so far.

Why have you failed doing it artificially with triggers?
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