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Changing Attack of Unit

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Level 2
Oct 31, 2011
i'm using a model out of this page: the goblin slammer

so i have a question. the model is a melee fighter, who beat the box on his left arm against enemys. is it possible to stop the attack animation of this or any unit? i want him as a total range unit with machinegun on right arm and a rocketbox on left side. and i dont want that he beat the rocket-box against enemys.

and if it is posible, can i choose where the bullets and rocket are coming from? so that the machinegun bullets come out of his rightarm weapon and the rockets out of the box on the left side?

and third question. how can i give him 2 different range attacks? so that he shoot with the machinegun all the time and every 15 secs or so he shoot swarm-rockets or such things out of the box?
Level 20
Jul 14, 2011
The animation itself would require a model modification, it's possible to make the bullets come from the other hand, as long as you include it in the animation. To make it have 2 differented ranged attacks, the model would need both animations, and you should make the triggers to modify the attack animation you want to do..
Level 2
Oct 31, 2011
shit, never made own models or triggers, i even can make doors open and close, but thats all, i think i can forget about it. and i cant stop the attack animation?, so that he just do nothing and the bullets come out of him?

and for the 2 different range attacks: i dont want that he has animation for them, or i dont need it so, i just want that there comes bullets and rockets out of him, without beating his rocketpod in the air(his normal attack animation)
Level 20
Jul 14, 2011
Check in the Tool Section for Wc3 model Viewer (Made by Magos) and view the unit animations. See wich one fits you better
Level 2
Oct 31, 2011
i downloadet the viewer and looked for some animations, but only some are working, if i want to see him moving or casting, than my viewer crash. so the only animation, where he isnt beating, is the "standing animation", so can i use somehow?

edit: in the info of the model, he says soemthing about spell and spell throw, i think, this animation is perfect for my attack, can i use it somehow? (i can't see them with viewer, cause it crash)
Level 20
Jul 14, 2011
Another way to see units animations is from the WE. Just pick it, it will appear in the gray square on the left, and there you can swap the animations. It will display the animation duration too.

What you read as "spell throw" is "spell, throw". A way to do it is giving the unit an Orb Ability, since these modifies the unit attack animation. I'm not sure if there's any ability around that allows this without being an orb effect. On the ability first field which is something like Art - Animation, you place "spell, throw". Of course, add the ability to the unit, and test.

If that doesn't work, you can test a trigger with "A unit is attacked" -> "Unit-Type of Attacking Unit = TheModelYouHave" -> "Animation - Play (attacking unit) "spell, throw" animation".
Level 2
Oct 31, 2011

dont know how to get this orb effect, i have german editor and i cant find "spell, throw" on art-animation. even cant find art-animation where i can choose such things.

have my problems with the event, what exactly do i have to do?
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Level 20
Jul 14, 2011
Whenever you search on Abilities section, you can find of Orb Of Ligthing, Orb of Fire, Orb of Frost, Orb of Slow, Venom Sting abilities. These are a few of the orb effects. The first field of the ability data is where the animation string (spell, throw) is placed, i believe the name of the field is art- animation, I don't remember very well, but I know it's the first field.
Level 2
Oct 31, 2011
but isn't an orb effect an extra damage like frost damage or fire damage? but it's no second attack right?

about the trigger: on event i have: Unit- A unit owned by Player 1(red) is attacked
on condition: (Unit-type of (Attacked unit)) is "Goblin-Slammer"(my model)
now im not sure what exactly i need on action. i have: Play Goblin_slammer's (Name of swarmrockets(upgrad level 3) animation.

now i just allowed attack 1, the machingun and gave the unit as ability swarmrockets(upgrad level 3). but ingame he just use his first attack. he cant cast swarmrockets and he doesn't cast them if he gets attacked.

where is my fault?
Level 11
Nov 15, 2007
but isn't an orb effect an extra damage like frost damage or fire damage? but it's no second attack right?

about the trigger: on event i have: Unit- A unit owned by Player 1(red) is attacked
on condition: (Unit-type of (Attacked unit)) is "Goblin-Slammer"(my model)
now im not sure what exactly i need on action. i have: Play Goblin_slammer's (Name of swarmrockets(upgrad level 3) animation.

now i just allowed attack 1, the machingun and gave the unit as ability swarmrockets(upgrad level 3). but ingame he just use his first attack. he cant cast swarmrockets and he doesn't cast them if he gets attacked.

where is my fault?

What he means is, you can give the unit an orb ability with no attack modifiers (or a critical strike ability with 100% chance to deal 0 bonus damage) but set the art - animation field to attack,throw and change the unit's attack animation.
Level 2
Oct 31, 2011
ah ok, so i know that i was wrong, i searched for attack-animation in the unit section of my slammer in the object editor -.- .

ok, i went to the ability section of my editor and looked for an orb and also for my swarmrockets, am i right so far? cause there also is no art-animation. god i think i'm really stupid :(. maybe you could make a screenshot, so that i can see where i have to look for it :(

edit: the firstfield in the ability section of the orb and the swarmrockets in the editor is "name" or "number of targets".
Level 20
Jul 14, 2011
Can't be :) The top of the data-field list of any ability is the animation name/string. Check for Shockwave, and you'll se something like "slam" or something like that.
Level 2
Oct 31, 2011
i found it, i though it is something where you can exactly choose if it is spell, throw or spell,one or such and such. but it is a string where you can write. didn't thought of that.

so: i made 2 new spells. first i took the swarmrocket and changed its first field in spell,throw. cause this was a hero cast, i only could use it in the advanced ability field of the unit. i changed the mana-cost to 0 and also all secondary abilitys from this ability. when i start now and let him attack, nothing happens.

than i made the second spell. i took the "throw rock". it already was spell,throw and it was in the unit section of abilitys. so again i changed the mana-cost to 0, changed the animation to swarmrocket, took away all secondary abilitys and gave it to my slammer in the normal ability field. so now the slammer has in the normal ability field: "swarmrockets(my first spell)" and in the advanced ability field: "throw rock(my second spell)". when i start now, the slammer can cast swarmrockets. i can use it on an enemy and i throw 1 rocket against him. but not automaticly. if he attack he only use his attack. so is there something i missed? he also do the stupid animation where he beat the rocketpot against enemys or more in the air.

thanks for helping me so long

edit: you said i need to change the model, so that it do not use the animation anymore. how exactly can i do this? the orb-cast will not work i think, so could you help me try out the trigger?
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