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change playable map size after starting

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Level 4
Jun 19, 2004
i want the map size of my map to be variable depending on the choice of the players. I want to do it so that a player types in width/length and the game automaticly creates everything for the game, puts in the camera and movement boundarys and adjusts the minimap accordingly. The first thing it does perfectly, but how do i do the adjusting of camera/movement boundarys and the minimap?
Level 5
Apr 12, 2007
  • Camera - Set the camera bounds for (insert player(s)) to (region/area of map)
Are you looking for this? Sample picture below.


  • WC3ScrnShot_022408_142435_01.jpg
    191.7 KB · Views: 116
Level 5
Apr 12, 2007
To be honest, I don't quite follow you on the limit movement part and after. Can you please clarify on your next reply? Anyways I'll try my best to catch the jist of it and what you're looking for:

Okay, so you have the camera bounds part and now need a way to limit where the units can go. I don't think you need pathing blocker. Can't you just create an area such as a forest and then have one way out of it (with a region and a trigger) teleport unit to another location of the map (ex: town)?
Level 15
Sep 3, 2006
I think for this kind of situation you'd have to set a variable for both dimensions, and then set player Dialog to "Player 1 Red types a chat message contain "Variable Length x Variable Height" as an exact Match"

Then you'd set the playable boundaries as "Variable Length x Variable Height".

I think the Variable would just be an integer...Correct me if I'm wrong though, I'd like to see how this works out. Sounds very interesting for gameplay as well.
Level 4
Jun 19, 2004
there is no trigger for that.
Anyway i figured a new way of doing it.

Use the camera boundary triggers to set minimap/camera boundaries and move 4 regions on the edges. Two very tall regions on both sides and two very wide ones at the bottom and top. Then when a unit enters those the unit is instantly moved closer to the middle of the map.
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