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CastleWars v2.5


CastleWars v2.5 (Map)

Level 4
May 17, 2005
meh. you should put an item shop in with things like potions and botts of speed.

you should also make the button positions better. and make custom abilities. and defensive stuff other then just that demolisher, like maybe gates or towers.

make the unit spawns stronger. right now they dont do anything useful.

oh, and give the demolishers a longer range. they useless right now. if you want them to do anything, they should shoot at least out to the bridge. and they should especialy be able to fire out over thier entire fortress's field. they need more dmg and normal dmg type. the castles should be HARD to get into, not just a sprint to the top and run away. ive never played runescape, but if its that open on that game, i dont see why any1 would play it.
Level 3
Jun 24, 2005
you should also make ... defensive stuff other then just that demolisher, like maybe gates or towers
I tried gates a while ago. Everyone who spawned in the castle just destroyed them to get out. No one reads the beginning text, so no one knew how to open them. It was just a simple -open main, -close main, -open side, and -close side.
I do, however, have units that spawn on the wall over time......
make the unit spawns stronger
They are much stronger that hero wars or Doomsday stand. The point of them is for experience and to have an army to push back instead of just running into the castle without much of a problem.
give the demolishers a longer range
Will do for version 2.6
Level 4
May 17, 2005
yah i deleted my first post cuz it was a whole flame. anyway, the units that spawn should be stronger nonetheless. but the map should really implement money and items. that would be uber kool. like have blood elf leuitenant guy on top where your flag is that sells some custom items and stuff like maybe a "boots of invisibility" or sometink :D
Level 1
Oct 13, 2005
I tried gates a while ago. Everyone who spawned in the castle just destroyed them to get out. No one reads the beginning text, so no one knew how to open them. It was just a simple -open main, -close main, -open side, and -close side.
I do, however, have units that spawn on the wall over time......
Well the way to fix that is to simply make the doors targetd as somthing that anyone can't hit, and reminders about the -open commands
Level 1
Aug 26, 2006
meh. you should put an item shop in with things like potions and botts of speed.

that sells some custom items and stuff like maybe a "boots of invisibility" or sometink

I totally disagree with the item suggestions here, they should be more Runescape like. (G) Maul and Dragon Longsword in like a custom shop off to the side of the field.

make the unit spawns stronger. right now they dont do anything useful.

the units that spawn should be stronger nonetheless.

The "spawns" replace the regular people, in Runescape, so I think they should be unevenly matched, like a random thing some are stronger some weaker.

Derek0, I would like to ask permission to, make version 2.6, or edit version 2.5, just a few minor changes, sometimes you mispelled saradomin, and i wanna add a male archer and female archer male mage, and female mage, please. :D :lol: :D :D :D
Level 3
Jun 24, 2005
Actually, I finally released a 3.0. It's alot better than 2.5 with custom runescape items and spells, along with more heroes, automatic gates, repick, random, Simple AI, a status multiboard, and best of all: Customizable skills with almost 50,000 combinations!

However I do apologize that it is TFT only, alot of 3.0 uses TFT functions and objects, but everyone should have or get TFT because it's not that expensive and you get a whole new world of maps plus a continued campaign.

Anyway, you can find it Here. It has most of what you're asking for and alot more. :)