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Can't use World Editor without Frozen Throne and with only Reign of Chaos

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Level 1
Nov 23, 2017
I bought only Reign of Chaos on the blizzard shop and it's supposed to have a Reign of Chaos world editor. But when people try to launch it there's an error message 'Cannot find appropriate CD keys'

The only fix is getting a key for Frozen Throne but how do you access Reign of Chaos world editor? There has always been one and it always worked for windows.


  • Consolidated Reign of Chaos and The Frozen Throne into one game executable and one World Editor
is a new patch "improvement" but i think this is the problem
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Level 32
Mar 21, 2016
Hmm... One should imho not have to pay an extra fee (i.e. buy a game extension) in order to still be able to do what he / she could already do from the very beginning (read: 2002). I personally see Blizzard's decision as being a regression, and also as being detrimental to the average consumer and to the loyal fan.

Fun fact / reminder: according to Wikipedia, the World Editor is not officially supported as a product.

That being said, I also understand that the RoC version of the World Editor indeed has severe limitations, as DSG already said. But it is imho not for Blizzard to decide what one should keep using or not to create maps.

@Dr Super Good : did Blizzard update their ToU to reflect this change?

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
That being said, I also understand that the RoC version of the World Editor indeed has severe limitations, as DSG already said. But it is imho not for Blizzard to decide what one should keep using or not to create maps.
The problem is this licencing model conflicts with Blizzards newer licencing models and development processes. It is extremely difficult to maintain 2 or more versions of the game, one original and an expansion, hence their newer licencing models is to give everyone the expansion and then licence lock out expansion only content. This way only 1 version of the game exists, the latest version, and one still needs the expansion for access to expansion features. World of Warcraft, Diablo III, StarCraft II, etc all use this model.

In the case of WC3 this migration may only be partly done at the moment, as is a lot of things. In the future they might remove RoC completely. This has already happened with StarCraft, which also had an expansion, where now the entire game is available for free and only available at Broodwars expansion level to everyone.
Level 21
Mar 2, 2010
starcraft used a different game model where there were only 1 executable with both campaigs accessable from within. warcraft 3 used separate executables with separate meny graphics. even the beta had separate menu graphics. starcraft had only one version of the menus.
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