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Can't upload skins...

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I have managed to upload one Skin to the resource Section, but since then it has not been possible, when I write a description, select the Skin and Screenshot and press Submit, I just enter another site, totally white, whith the description field, the Screenshot and skin file and a Submit button, but if I press it, the same thing happenes?! Why??? plz help me...
sry about that...

I don't think u understood me right, the Camel Hump, that was the skin I had gotten uploaded, the Barbarian Skin, the problem was when I tried to upload another skin, I just got that white screen. But I figured it out, it was like Samuraid said, a problem with the Web-Browser, Opera. I tried the same thing in Mozilla Firefox, and worked totally fine! So I can only hope my skin will get approved...
BTW, what else is skins supposed to be than a Recolor?!
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