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Cant figure out how to import my own skin

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Level 4
Aug 22, 2005
This is my first time making a skin so I chose an easy one with an easy theme. I basically used the undead skeleton (The ones raised from rod of necromancy or just necromancers) And I turned it into an icy type that is blue. I think I did a nice shading job... Anyways...

I used wc3 Extractor II to bring it into 'My Documents' then I grabbed it from 'My Documents' and edited it in photoshop. Now I can't figure out how to get the skin from 'My Documents' into the right area so I can import it into my map!

I think I have explained everything as clearly as I can, I just need some final help getting it back in! Then I will show you guys what it looks like ^_^
Level 22
Jan 10, 2005
it wont make a difference if u use custom path and fill in blp, it really mst be a blp file. and u shouldnt remove the 'war3imported' but get another path instead
(If u dunno the path, convert the model to mdl and open that with notepad or wordpad, then ctrl F and textures)
Level 2
Feb 22, 2006
took me 1 year to figerout how to place skins/modles into my map (Im making one rightnow) and to add a modle/skin to youre map is ez after you know how

1) place the file in the wc3 folder. take foe example you want to use the TERRIN GOLIATH modle...or is it a skin.... in youre map you place the folder with the file into the one you have wc3 in and then import it to the map

2) use the custum path to make the path TERIN GOLIATH/GOLIATH.BLP that is if you have it in the wc3 folder and not maps file cuz it wol only work if you have it in WC3 (note) the modle files dont always need the pathing if you have it IN the file thats in the wc3 file and not like

3) save and restart the world editer on my pc I need to reset the pc itself to make the modle/skin work >.<

4) after it resterts (and you did the pathing right) go to the OBJECT EDITOR (its the helmit icon) then pick a unit/hero/building you want to look like that custom unit

5) go to ART-MODLE FILE then use the inported skin/modle (its in the 2nd dragdown box thingy)

if you did all this right then when you place the unit it will look like the unit you wanted it to.

I got this info from a friend 8) and yes this is my @lordaeron acc :)

and yes I know this is a little lait geting in but Im new to the site :(
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