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Level 10
Mar 31, 2007
Well, my mom has recently been dignosed with breast cancer, she is in the hospital right now for further tests if its fatal.

There is no cure for breast cancer but doctors have a theory if they surgicly remove my mom's breasts, she wouldn't have cancer. Just thinking about that is terrifying.

This is hitting me hard and since im religous im praying to god every single moment I breath. And my cousin is cutting himself about this(literly)

My dad, however, had herpies on his lips a week before mom got cancer, he is saying we have the "luck of satan"

I am deeply sad about this and I need advise and confort from my Hive family:)

Level 7
Sep 25, 2006
Omg dude... I don't exactly know how to explain my sorryness for you. I honestly hope that she gets better, and I think I might even pray for her. I don't know how it feels to lose a mom, but I know doesn't feel good. And if she can't get through it, just... please live on.

To tell you the truth, when I was in 4th grade, my mom got diagnosed with cancer that gave her a 0.12% chance of living (I am not kidding, it was seriously below 1%). I thank god all the time that she somehow got through it. And I just hope that you also get that kind of luck.
Level 10
Mar 31, 2007
Thanks, well shes back and she has a 40% chance to live, but if she does the surgery, 55% chance she will live.....
Level 10
Mar 31, 2007
Her symtoms are throwing up blood, coughing, headachs, paridoshia(means her breast are leaking fluids) and sadly, loss of breath
Level 10
Mar 31, 2007
She is still in the hospital, and we only visit 1s a day, I was already there, and there was blood on her sheets
Level 21
Jan 5, 2005
cancer is a horrible thing, i was myself planning on working in the field of cancer research and i am going to be doing some research with a team at a hospital near by. hopefully advances in technology and new descoverys will help people like your mother and the millions of other people who suffer this horrible disease. i am sorry to hear this, i hope you the bes tin future.
Level 4
May 13, 2006
Shit dude, that sucks. I can't imagine living life without my mom, I hope she gets through it.

Still 40%? I hate to say it, but that sounds pretty grim.
Level 6
Apr 26, 2007
Sacrimo, i know its a realy hard thing to have a parent with the cancer... but you must stay strong and hope! As long as she live, there's still a chance! never stop hoping in her. it may look stupid but most of doctor and scientific says that in out body, there are some cells that may cure anything. we just dont control them but still, it help a lot when you hope. it work same way with the fake pills... that the name alredy? well in french its "placebos" i just dont know the english word.

Stay strong on this situation and i hope that she will pass through it.
Level 10
Mar 31, 2007
Yes, and she will get better, I beleive in "the Secret" and the secret will help her. (its not religious, its flued control of the body's ******)(note: not cussing)
Level 3
Apr 16, 2007
why do people bring there life problems onto a wc3 problem? its not nessesary

no offense sacrimo :)
Level 10
Mar 31, 2007
None taken, I was just sad when I wrote this and I didn't think of commen sense. and Btw, thank you all for your concerns. She is going to do the surgery, to remove her breasts....man, this is gonna be a change
Level 36
Mar 15, 2006
why do people bring there life problems onto a wc3 problem? its not nessesary

no offense sacrimo :)

1) Learn to speak the English language properly.
2) "why do people bring there life problems onto a wc3 problem" this makes absolutely no sense to me. I'm assuming that you use the word 'problem' interchangeably with the word 'website'.
3) This is in fact a WarCraft III website, yes, but this is the Off-Topic section. As long as the post is not spam (see the rules, you could probably do with looking them over yourself) it is perfectly valid.

In conclusion, this post is perfectly legitimate. It's posted in the proper section, it is not a spam topic, and people often turn to the communities that they belong to online when seeking help when family and friends don't do it for them.
Level 21
Jan 5, 2005
it may look stupid but most of doctor and scientific says that in out body, there are some cells that may cure anything. we just dont control them but still, it help a lot when you hope.

just as a note, we do not conciously control any of our cells, they are all effectively "automatic", we only control the organs and tissues these cells create. i think you mean stem cells which are found in the lower spine (mainly). these cells are unspecialised and could be used to regenerate any part of the body. unfourtunately they would not help to fight cancer (i dont think) because cancer is a disease of cell mutation. and advantage they could give would be to regenerate body parts if they have to be removed to get rid of the mutated cells, this would be especially useful in lung cancer. most modern research focuses around specialised drugs that "target" the mutated cells, because these cells are different from normal cells these drugs could be able to pick them out but not every cell. these drugs are very hard to develop however do to the complexity of cells in general.

it work same way with the fake pills... that the name alredy? well in french its "placebos" i just dont know the english word.

stem cells are not placebos. a placebos is a sub concious implementation of healing which promotes a genuine effect of healing due to mental well-ness. its reliability and effectiveness is debated. i personally think you can make someone fell better mentall but you cannot physically heal them at all with placebos. i am intrested in looking into more research on this so if i see any intresting articles i might make a new thread.

Jawvinitus. (Disease where you cannot eat, lasts 2 weeks, I lost 36 pounds).

i dont know if you are joking but i am fairly sure there is no disease called "Jawvinitus".

google agrees with me. perhaps you mean lockjaw(tetnus)?

anyways, not being able to eat for 2 weeks would be life risking, you would be on a drip. if you were on a drip you would not lose that much weight in 2 weeks. cancer is considerably worse than being on a drip, especially when cancer is so complicated and deadly it really doesnt even come close.
Level 9
Oct 28, 2004
Ugh. Cancer sucks. I lost my dog AND my granfather in one month to it. Belive it or not, I actually care about this. Hang tough man. It might not be fatal.
Level 10
Mar 31, 2007
Nicely said Brad...............well the surgery will begin in about... 2 hours just dropping in to say this then im heading off to the hospital
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