Well my friends, I can honestly confirm that I am defiantely Not the Thread Starter and would not even dare to think/express/support any 'extreme' conducts (not openly anyways), especially one that might provoke or hurt another person or entity, one way or the other.
Regarding on my earlier post (mind you, that the aforementioned post was my first 'visible' one in the Hive), it was more or less what I personally felt about the matter, albeit in a more ahem... 'restrained' way (AaaaaoOoohhmmm! must ...resist, must... not...embrace... the dark..side..) LOL!
To end my post I would like to share this famous quote which was taken from a period long long time ago, in a place far far away; a very knowledge-able small, aging, green (and a cute one if I say so myself) hermit, who lived in the Dagobah swamp, once said, "Anger leads to hate, hate leads to fear, fear leads to... the knee bone, the knee bone connected to the, thigh bone, and the thigh bone connected to the, hip bo....eh!? What happened?"
Sigh...pardon me..., anyways gentlemen, the lesson learnt here? Never, ever, post a comment, while someone else (at the background) keeps on switching between the Star Wars eposide and the Quincy M. E. show!
Cherios and have a nice day.
...the foot bone connected to the.... hmmn... catchy tune....la de da....