
This model was requested by Rysis, it's supposedly a cactuar from the Final Fantasy series. It's a pretty simple model, good practice for an aspiring modeler like myself. Thanks fo viewin'.

EDIT: Lowered the poly count, and changed the death anim.

EDIT2: Finally got around to fixing it up a little, fixed up the death problem. hopefully is good to go now.

Cactus, Cactuar, Final Fantasy, Game, Run, Creep, Weirdo, Flower, Retard, Green, Plant, Desert, Delicious.

Cactuar (Model)

17:27, 10th Aug 2009 Pyritie: Lower the poly count. Your cylinders and half-spheres have too many sides. 2nd Sep 2009 Pyritie: In the decay flesh anim he's still floating there. 25th September 2009 General Frank: Changes are made. Model...




17:27, 10th Aug 2009
Pyritie: Lower the poly count. Your cylinders and half-spheres have too many sides.

2nd Sep 2009
Pyritie: In the decay flesh anim he's still floating there.

25th September 2009
General Frank:
Changes are made. Model approved.
Level 32
Jul 23, 2005
I don't think i know how to reduce the pollies substantially without ruining the model completely

Just on of those limbs has 108 polies in it. That's 432 polies on just the limbs. They really don't need to be 123 sided. You can reduce them down to 8 sides and still be fine. If you do that you could cut out 128 polies. That's more than one of the limbs.



Level 41
Jan 7, 2005
I was happy to see someone making Final Fantasy IX models. This Cactuar looks similar to the original in aspect. The original has a more «alive» green.
Now, the animations... they're not so good, at all. I know they're hard to do, so I'm sorry for the harshness.
Level 9
Apr 4, 2004
Aww, it should have a spell animation for the 1,000 Needles. Also a model for the needles would be cool. xP
Level 15
Jan 25, 2008
This is really good! 5/5

Mind if I redistribute this on another site? Full credit will be given to you.

by all means! you have my full permission.

I was happy to see someone making Final Fantasy IX models. This Cactuar looks similar to the original in aspect. The original has a more «alive» green.
Now, the animations... they're not so good, at all. I know they're hard to do, so I'm sorry for the harshness.

Your harshness is fine and welcome, but in all fairness i just followed the instructions of the request, animations were according to the youtube video he provided, but even then i admit they could be better, aswell as the mesh.
For the texture, i couldnt find a lively green cactus, and i couldn't texture myself to save my life, so im kinda stuck there with this one. thanks for the feedback
Last edited:
Level 16
Jun 17, 2008
Heheh, the cactuar always faced one way and it wasn't an easy job giving it nice animations, but I think tee.dubs managed to pull it off spectacularly well based on the positive feedback from FF fans (like myself^^)

The overall package has it all - low file size, looks like the original, has nearly all the game animations and its very funny in game ;)
Level 15
Jan 25, 2008
Heheh, the cactuar always faced one way and it wasn't an easy job giving it nice animations, but I think tee.dubs managed to pull it off spectacularly well based on the positive feedback from FF fans (like myself^^)

The overall package has it all - low file size, looks like the original, has nearly all the game animations and its very funny in game ;)

Oh you... :cute:
Level 6
Oct 2, 2008
This is one damn nice model!!! +REP
Finaly a FF GF model... Where's Bahamut...? kekeke...
ooooya, i got some suggestions:
- make an icon for him
- make the 10k needles model to his attack or spell anim or another extra model to support it.

This will definetly make it alot more better!!!
("ROAR~ when's my turn!!!" - Bahamut)
I've always loved the catuar ^^

And this model is probably the best one on the hive we'll every see :)
I really love how you included pretty much all the animations it really has, and they look like the real ones too, but it still needs 1000 needles to be perfect!
now all we need is a disgusting plant for it to go with ^^ Maybe this one?

That plant would be great as a halloween model :).
Level 2
Oct 22, 2009
Personally, I find it amazing that somebody actually made one of these. Thanks for contributing the resource, and for being awesome.