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Build Order

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Deleted member 238589


Deleted member 238589

What is your favorite build order (including hero spells) in Warcraft III, and what heroes do you prefer in which scenario of your strategy?
Level 39
Sep 18, 2007
Please explain, how do you mean build order?
About heroes, I like Firelord mostly, but if I need to chose in races directly, I am using death knight. Banshee is also cool.
Firelord has my favorite spell, soul burn, then Lava spawn is used as additional unit, Incernate is used to add damage, and Volcano in enemy's base.
When play with Death Knight, I am using him to support my units or damage enemis with death coil.His Aura is awesome for speed and regeneration, when Skeletons are away, I am using them to convert their HP to heal death knight, and Animate dead is awesome for bases.
Banshee, well her Silence is useful to prevent enemis from casting spells, Arrows are good as additional damage and create skeletons, Life drain can be used to heal herself and damage enemy, and charm of course is awesome ability

Deleted member 238589


Deleted member 238589

Please explain, how do you mean build order?

By build order I mean what buildings do you build from beginning 'til the end, and in which order; what units and upgrades do you use, etc.

Incarnate is used to add damage, and Volcano in enemy's base.

I'm not sure about that. I always found Volcano easy to counter, usually have a Crypt Lord lurking around with his Impale stun.
Level 15
Nov 30, 2007
I played mostly Orc. And those I enjoyed the most were

1 vs 1 (rare strategies)
- Punishing a player with mass wyverns, undead ghouls, human fe, night elf mass huntress, etc.
- fs hhs vs orc
- burrow rushing elf

4 vs 4
- 2 grunt expand tech tauren shaman docs, 3 heroes, bm get lvl 3, harras, get sh creep with him keep harrasing with bm. Attack with your ally and get a third hero when possible. Try cancel expansions and scout unit composition with bm.
- Mass raiders/bats
- TC hhs
Level 21
Jul 27, 2008
With Orcs I usually go something like this:

- Standard Altar-Barracks-Burrow start and spam peons (5+5)
- Shadow Hunter as first hero, focusing on healing and hex.
- Spam Grunts, adding headhunters if dealing with night elves.
- Second Hero Tauren Chieftain because of Endurance Aura combined with scroll of speed.
- If small map (or at least when i think Air units won't be an issue) then getting Witch Doctors and stasis wards. Definitely going for Shamans too to get Bloodlust to combine it with Endurance Aura and Scroll of Speed and add a Kodo for a good measure.
- And at end game noob spam of Wind Riders and replace grunts with tauren.

And thus you can see I suck at competitive melee gaming. The obvious first mistake I make is that I don't start with Blademaster and abuse Windwalk. I should add step somewhere in there for riders to abuse ensnare too, best way to interrupt enemy heroes and to deal with air units with my heavy land based army.
Level 9
Apr 23, 2011
as an undead player who mostly 1v1s/2v2s, i either rush the enemy:

- build Crypt and Ziggurat, earn for Altar, then Tomb
- make an acolyte and scout out a base
- create as many ghouls as possible while waiting for hero, while building some Ziggurats
- when Death Knight spawns, immediately attack base, focusing on their hero while healing ghouls with coil
- kill the rest of the army then base

or i do crypt fiend/destroyer spam. in lategame, i spam frost wyrms, abominations and necromancers.

i'm not that good of a melee player :c
Level 4
Jul 29, 2011
This is my exact build order from a game when i played a human with fast 2nd mine against a very aggressive undead player. In the end, i managed to destroy his base with tanks and defend mine with towers and MK/Pala hero focus. However, it won't tell you much if you want to learn, better watch replays
Level 4
Jul 29, 2011
i creeped with militia and lost a lot of them to death knight harass, also this undead tried to cancel my expansion with ghouls, killing some workers... in the end i had only 7 or 8 peasants on wood
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Level 4
Jul 29, 2011
right now, i checked one of the best HU-UD replays i have ever seen (Th000 vs Passion on Amazonia), Th000 trained 71 peasants during that game, so my 28 means that undead's harass wasn't very effective :D
i mainly play 3v3 as night elf, and depending on my allies and enemies i have a few rough builds.

first one is if enemies are mostly undead or night elf, or none of my team is going melee, ill do altar + ancient of war + ancient of wonders + 2 moon wells, and 4 archers for creeping, then tech almost straight to bear dryad. heroes are usually demon hunter/warden 1st and panda 2nd, though if i'm rushing i'll go naga or beastmaster, and if i feel like being stupid i'll go some other tavern hero as 2nd.

second & third is for if an ally is going melee. i'll go same start as above, but stay at t2 and go into dual ancient of winds. then the build diverges into 2; if most of my enemies are orc, ill go dotts + archers. if most of my enemies are human or night elf, i'll go hippo riders. i generally avoid these builds if there's 2 or more undead enemies. heroes are usually kotg/beastmaster 1st and potm 2nd. if the game goes late and i get an expo, i'll transition to chims to counter heavy ground units.

fourth involves delaying my tech and sticking with hunts, generally if i've got no night elf enemies. this is usually to rush or secure an expo before teching. afterwards, i'd transition to bear dry. demon hunter/kotg/potm 1st, then panda/potm 2nd or so.
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