Bug when removing tileset?

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Level 9
Sep 5, 2015
anyone know why? pic's related
(first one i figured out. just went thru replacing all the units, somehow they were all units that were placed like super close to rocks or other doodads? weird idk how they worked their way over to positions that i literally couldn't put them at)
fixed that
then i go to remove another tileset and the second picture follows
never seen this before in my life i dont think

warcraft 3 removing tileset bug error units were randomly placed clsoe to rocks where they nor...png

warcraft 3 removing tileset bug error.PNG
Level 9
Sep 5, 2015
Tried restarting World Editor in case it is a caching issue?

Some doodads replace terrain geometry. These are what might have broken, possible due to the remove of the underlying terrain textures they were using.
thats what i was thinking. because the area's that bugged (in the second picture) were areas i used the tileset texture that i later was trying to remove from the game. i did restart it and nothing has fixed the second picture's problem so idk.

(multiple area's get the black boxes too. areas i never used the texture im trying to delete)

edit: i can choose any texture-tile and spray it on the map where the black is and it removes it. but geez lol. feel like this shouldnt be a thing i'd have to do xD
Level 9
Sep 5, 2015
Are you reducing the tile type count of the map? If so this could be the result of the terrain tiles still referencing the now disused tile type index.
how do you mean?
it is a rough dirt tile
and yes im reducing from 15 (with 1 left) to 14 (so i can have 2 left) i was at 16/16 used both pictures are both problems i had when i tried removing each.

what do you mean by tile type

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
what do you mean by tile type
The concept that has a unique texture and properties such as baked pathing associated with it. Although there is no limit to the number of tile types in the custom tile set, there is a limit to the number of tile types a terrain node can use, specifically the first 16 loaded tile types due to the node data structure only having 4 bits (16 possible values) to represent tile type index.

Use the replace tile feature to change all the tiles of the tile type you are about to remove to one that will exist after the changes. Then remove the tile type from the custom tile set. This might avoid the above pictured issue. Adding tile types back to the tile set might let you repeat this process to remove existing black voids by giving them an existing tile type to replace from.
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