this trigger give gold to a unit "shop" when a player put an item into the shop and use the "shop" ability sell.
but strangely it give 6 times the amount it should, so i guess there is a problem in the loop inventory trigger wich detect the items and quantity to sell the total gold to give.
function Sell_Actions takes nothing returns nothing
local integer i = 0
local integer value = 0
local integer quantity = 0
local integer total = 0
local integer team = 0
local integer bonus = 0
local integer bonus1 = 0
local integer bonus2 = 0
local real x
local real y
local unit seller
local item it
local player owner
// Set variables
set seller = GetTriggerUnit()
set x = GetUnitX(seller)
set y = GetUnitY(seller)
set owner = udg_SelectTempPlayer[GetUnitUserData(seller)]
// Set team of selling unit
if IsUnitInForce(seller, udg_Team[1]) == true then
set team = 1
elseif IsUnitInForce(seller, udg_Team[2]) == true then
set team = 2
elseif IsUnitInForce(seller, udg_Team[3]) == true then
set team = 3
// This loop in the inventory of selling unit, check if slot has an item, if so it run the function "GetItemGoldCostById()" to find the gold cost of item and store it into 'value'.
// it store the charge of the item in 'quantity' and add the (value x quantity) to the 'total'.
exitwhen i > 5
if UnitItemInSlot(seller, i) != null then
set value = GetItemGoldCostById(GetItemTypeId(UnitItemInSlot(seller, i)))
set quantity = GetItemCharges(UnitItemInSlot(seller, i))
if GetItemTypeId(UnitItemInSlot(seller, i)) == 'I066' then
set udg_Ring_boolean = false
call KillUnit( udg_Ring_Resurrect )
if value > 0 then
set total = total + ( value * quantity )
call RemoveItem( UnitItemInSlot(seller, i) )
set i = i + 1
if total != 0 then
if team != 0 then
set udg_Job_Merchant_Xp[team] = ( udg_Job_Merchant_Xp[team] + ( total * 2 ) )
if udg_Job_Merchant_Lvl[team] < 3 then
set udg_B = team
call TriggerExecute( gg_trg_Merchant_Lvl )
if udg_Job_Merchant_Lvl[team] > 0 then
set bonus1 = total * udg_Job_Merchant_Lvl[team]
set bonus2 = bonus1 / 10
if bonus2 >= 1 then
set bonus = bonus2
set it = CreateItem( 'I03B', x, y )
call SetItemCharges( it, ( total + bonus ) )
call UnitAddItem( seller, it )
call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( owner, 0, 0, 6.00, "|c0000c400Troll:|r |c00ffff64Me haz made " + I2S(total) + " Goldz with|r |c00ffff64" + I2S(bonus) + " bonus.|r" )
call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( owner, 0, 0, 6.00, "|c0000c400Troll:|r |c00ffff64Ther'z no valuable itemz to sell, mon!|r" )
set seller = null
set it = null
set owner = null
function InitTrig_Recipe_Sell takes nothing returns nothing
set gg_trg_Recipe_Sell = CreateTrigger( )
call TriggerAddAction( gg_trg_Recipe_Sell, function Sell_Actions )
this trigger give gold to a unit "shop" when a player put an item into the shop and use the "shop" ability sell.
but strangely it give 6 times the amount it should, so i guess there is a problem in the loop inventory trigger wich detect the items and quantity to sell the total gold to give.
function Sell_Actions takes nothing returns nothing
local integer i = 0
local integer value = 0
local integer quantity = 0
local integer total = 0
local integer team = 0
local integer bonus = 0
local integer bonus1 = 0
local integer bonus2 = 0
local real x
local real y
local unit seller
local item it
local player owner
// Set variables
set seller = GetTriggerUnit()
set x = GetUnitX(seller)
set y = GetUnitY(seller)
set owner = udg_SelectTempPlayer[GetUnitUserData(seller)]
// Set team of selling unit
if IsUnitInForce(seller, udg_Team[1]) == true then
set team = 1
elseif IsUnitInForce(seller, udg_Team[2]) == true then
set team = 2
elseif IsUnitInForce(seller, udg_Team[3]) == true then
set team = 3
// This loop in the inventory of selling unit, check if slot has an item, if so it run the function "GetItemGoldCostById()" to find the gold cost of item and store it into 'value'.
// it store the charge of the item in 'quantity' and add the (value x quantity) to the 'total'.
exitwhen i > 5
if UnitItemInSlot(seller, i) != null then
set value = GetItemGoldCostById(GetItemTypeId(UnitItemInSlot(seller, i)))
set quantity = GetItemCharges(UnitItemInSlot(seller, i))
if GetItemTypeId(UnitItemInSlot(seller, i)) == 'I066' then
set udg_Ring_boolean = false
call KillUnit( udg_Ring_Resurrect )
if value > 0 then
set total = total + ( value * quantity )
call RemoveItem( UnitItemInSlot(seller, i) )
set i = i + 1
if total != 0 then
if team != 0 then
set udg_Job_Merchant_Xp[team] = ( udg_Job_Merchant_Xp[team] + ( total * 2 ) )
if udg_Job_Merchant_Lvl[team] < 3 then
set udg_B = team
call TriggerExecute( gg_trg_Merchant_Lvl )
if udg_Job_Merchant_Lvl[team] > 0 then
set bonus1 = total * udg_Job_Merchant_Lvl[team]
set bonus2 = bonus1 / 10
if bonus2 >= 1 then
set bonus = bonus2
set it = CreateItem( 'I03B', x, y )
call SetItemCharges( it, ( total + bonus ) )
call UnitAddItem( seller, it )
call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( owner, 0, 0, 6.00, "|c0000c400Troll:|r |c00ffff64Me haz made " + I2S(total) + " Goldz with|r |c00ffff64" + I2S(bonus) + " bonus.|r" )
call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( owner, 0, 0, 6.00, "|c0000c400Troll:|r |c00ffff64Ther'z no valuable itemz to sell, mon!|r" )
set seller = null
set it = null
set owner = null
function InitTrig_Recipe_Sell takes nothing returns nothing
set gg_trg_Recipe_Sell = CreateTrigger( )
call TriggerAddAction( gg_trg_Recipe_Sell, function Sell_Actions )