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[SOLVED] Bug about struct
Hi everyone,
I'm here ( again ! ) to ask ( another ! ) question, i'm a begginner in vJASS and in OOP in general.
So here the code :
In one of my spells i'm calling the function like this :
So the result is that the effect and the movement speed reduction work but they never disappear.
Hi everyone,
I'm here ( again ! ) to ask ( another ! ) question, i'm a begginner in vJASS and in OOP in general.
So here the code :
library GlobalLibrary
constant string stun_model = "Abilities\\Spells\\Human\\Thunderclap\\ThunderclapTarget.mdl"
constant string slow_model = "Abilities\\Spells\\Human\\slow\\slowtarget.mdl"
constant string root_model = "Abilities\\Spells\\NightElf\\EntanglingRoots\\EntanglingRootsTarget.mdl"
timer array T_timer
effect array T_effect
integer T_index = 0
struct debuff
boolean pause
real time
string model
string attach
real ms
unit targ
static method create takes boolean b, real r, string s, string str, real ms, unit u returns debuff
local debuff d = debuff.allocate()
set d.pause = b
set d.time = r
set d.model = s
set d.attach = str
set d.ms = ms
set d.targ = u
return d
debuff array T_debuff
private function InitDebuff takes debuff d returns nothing
if ( T_index > 3000 ) then
set T_index = 0
set T_effect[T_index] = AddSpecialEffectTarget( d.model, d.targ, d.attach )
set T_timer[T_index] = CreateTimer()
set T_debuff[T_index] = d
set T_index = T_index + 1
function DestroyDebuff takes nothing returns nothing
local timer t = GetExpiredTimer()
local integer index
local debuff d
local integer i = 0
exitwhen i > 3000
if ( t == T_timer[i] ) then
set index = i
set i = 3000
set i = i + 1
set d = T_debuff[index]
if ( d.pause == true ) then
call PauseUnit( d.targ, false )
call SetUnitMoveSpeed( d.targ, GetUnitMoveSpeed( d.targ ) + d.ms )
call DestroyEffect( T_effect[index] )
call DestroyTimer( t )
call DestroyTimer( T_timer[index] )
call d.destroy()
call T_debuff[index].destroy()
set t = null
set T_timer[index] = null
set T_effect[index] = null
function AddDebuff takes debuff d returns nothing
if ( T_index > 3000 ) then
set T_index = 0
set T_effect[T_index] = AddSpecialEffectTarget( d.model, d.targ, d.attach )
set T_timer[T_index] = CreateTimer()
set T_debuff[T_index] = d
set T_index = T_index + 1
call PauseUnit( d.targ, d.pause )
call SetUnitMoveSpeed( d.targ, GetUnitMoveSpeed( d.targ ) - d.ms )
call TimerStart( T_timer[T_index], d.time, false, function DestroyDebuff )
function UnitAddStun takes unit u, real time returns nothing
local debuff d = debuff.create( true, time, stun_model, "overhead", 0, u )
if ( T_index > 3000 ) then
set T_index = 0
set T_effect[T_index] = AddSpecialEffectTarget( d.model, d.targ, d.attach )
set T_timer[T_index] = CreateTimer()
set T_debuff[T_index] = d
set T_index = T_index + 1
call PauseUnit( d.targ, true )
call TimerStart( T_timer[T_index], time, false, function DestroyDebuff )
call d.destroy()
function UnitAddSlow takes unit u, real time, real ms returns nothing
local debuff d = debuff.create( false, time, slow_model, "origin", ms, u )
if ( T_index > 3000 ) then
set T_index = 0
set T_effect[T_index] = AddSpecialEffectTarget( d.model, d.targ, d.attach )
set T_timer[T_index] = CreateTimer()
set T_debuff[T_index] = d
set T_index = T_index + 1
call SetUnitMoveSpeed( d.targ, GetUnitMoveSpeed( d.targ ) - d.ms )
call TimerStart( T_timer[T_index], d.time, false, function DestroyDebuff )
call d.destroy()
function UnitAddRoot takes unit u, real time returns nothing
local debuff d = debuff.create( false, time, root_model, "origin", GetUnitMoveSpeed( u ) - 1, u )
if ( T_index > 3000 ) then
set T_index = 0
set T_effect[T_index] = AddSpecialEffectTarget( d.model, d.targ, d.attach )
set T_timer[T_index] = CreateTimer()
set T_debuff[T_index] = d
set T_index = T_index + 1
call SetUnitMoveSpeed( d.targ, 1 )
call TimerStart( T_timer[T_index], time, false, function DestroyDebuff )
call d.destroy()
In one of my spells i'm calling the function like this :
UnitAddSlow( f, time, 15 )
So the result is that the effect and the movement speed reduction work but they never disappear.
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