what is the most efficient (and esiest) way to add buffs to units.
(!!!!!! --> not just effect, also ability, e.g. stun - overhead thing + unit cannot move and attack)
Good way could be using auras(in disabled spell book) with minimum (zero) range, giving them negative values (e.g. slow a unit), and at the end, removing them from units.
It sounds pretty simple and comfortable, but it's limited (i havent found a way how to make stun) and im not sure how efficient its is ,ALSO i takes pretty much time till the abilities in disabled spell book start or end the effect.
What are other posibilities to adding buffs to units...
what is the most efficient (and esiest) way to add buffs to units.
(!!!!!! --> not just effect, also ability, e.g. stun - overhead thing + unit cannot move and attack)
Good way could be using auras(in disabled spell book) with minimum (zero) range, giving them negative values (e.g. slow a unit), and at the end, removing them from units.
It sounds pretty simple and comfortable, but it's limited (i havent found a way how to make stun) and im not sure how efficient its is ,ALSO i takes pretty much time till the abilities in disabled spell book start or end the effect.
What are other posibilities to adding buffs to units...