Buffs applied via active spells

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Level 16
Aug 7, 2009
Hey folks!

I've got myself a problem that bugs me: custom spells based on the same original ones override each other's buff. So, let's say, I create two spells based on "Rejuvenation", called "A" and "B", and if "A" is already active on the target, casting "B" on it will remove the buff placed by "A".
These buffs are usually dummy ones, they only represent buff stacks, but "Slow Aura" with levels won't work as the buff is not instantly refreshed.

Any ideas what should I do? Is there any spell that doesn't suffer from this problem and can be spammed to create multiple buffs? Some help would be appreciated, because I've created one spell based active ones without side-effects already and I'm stuck, I'm in the need of a few more stacking buffs.

Thanks in advance!
Level 20
Jul 14, 2011
You can create different buffs for different levels of the same ability... I'm not sure if this helps you in any way.
Level 20
Jul 14, 2011
I guess the same unit can't be slowed by 2 different abilities. You can try Slow, Poison, Negative MS aura, and else...
Level 5
Feb 3, 2012
i think the problem is that u based off AB and BB from the same buff. maybe warcraft thinks that AB and BB is the same buff (although they are different). u might have to base AB to something different than BB.
for example, when creating AB, base it off slow buff. when creating BB, base it off unholy aura or command aura or something. i think that would work.
EDIT: the buff is just a dummy to the effect of the ability. u dont really need a buff to slow an enemy. it depends on the ability. u can still make A and B from rejuvinaion but base the buffs from something different like slow & frost shield.
Buffs only stack if they are used/added by auras...

Custom buff systems uses dummy auras as buff placers and the best one to use as a placer is the tornado slow aura since it doesn't appear at the hero UI...

So for every custom buff, you need 1 dummy buff [based on anything, it can even be just from one base], and 1 dummy aura [based on tornado slow aura]... then create a trigger that when you cast that spell, you add the aura to the unit target... though you will need a timer too in order to remove the aura...

you can also use this: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/...ev=search=custom%20buff%20system\&d=list&r=20

with it, you can base the dummy aura on any aura because he disables the ability so that it won't show on the UI...
Level 16
Aug 7, 2009
i think the problem is that u based off AB and BB from the same buff. maybe warcraft thinks that AB and BB is the same buff (although they are different). u might have to base AB to something different than BB.
for example, when creating AB, base it off slow buff. when creating BB, base it off unholy aura or command aura or something. i think that would work.
EDIT: the buff is just a dummy to the effect of the ability. u dont really need a buff to slow an enemy. it depends on the ability. u can still make A and B from rejuvinaion but base the buffs from something different like slow & frost shield.

I'm aware of that, but as I said in the main post, I ran out of usable dummy spells; the rest would apply stuns, slows, or unpleasant stuffs.
As I also said, those buffs are only there for visual, everything is triggered, all the spells, trigger, status effects, etc.

@Adiktuz: I've got the buff system of my own, I'm using Slow Tornado (of what's it called) for regular buffs. And because of this, I could replace "Level: X" with "Stacks: X" in the buff tooltip.
I'm using these active buffs for stacking buffs. The problem is, aura based buffs are not refreshed immediately, there's a sligh delay, and for fast effects (like when you cast a spell, 3 consecutive casts would mess up the whole system), it's sucky.
Level 26
Aug 18, 2009
So have you found a solution yet? I am also curious about the aura update. Have only got a shitty way by killing the unit and reviving it again. This forces an update, hiding/showing the unit, morphing it, setting owner, those do not do it. I tried to add the aura on level 2 via the Engineering Upgrade but it did not activate at all then, though this funnily displayed the ability icon of the slow aura.
Level 16
Aug 7, 2009
Well, not a single solution that worked so far. I've tried out multiple spells, maybe the easier ones (such as heal or damage over time) would work, but nope, they didn't. Auras have that stupid delay and I couldn't find a single value in the object editor to change it, nor in the game constants. It doesn't work if you readd the spell, nor if you just remove the buff. Nothing seems to be a decent solution - which is sad, because I don't know how I am going to make further stacking items and spells, because I ran out of all the usable spells.

It's weird though if you ask me, I honestly don't know why it is bugged like this.
Level 26
Aug 18, 2009
Nah, those are not bugs. I have named one solution but that one poses a lot of threats. Another proposition: Do not use the native buff level display at all but write the number in the icon. At least I have done it this way in my map to show stacks.

Consuming the standard spells and hoping that they do not blow up something sucks too.
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