08:29, 8th Aug 2009
zombie2279: The hugest problem of this icon is that it's rather crowded. The smaller pieces of detail blend into each other and make the icon look a bit messy. Work on the 64x64 by putting more contrast on the outlines of the guy (not the wings in particular) and I think you should choose a different color for the background, this yellow-ish scheme blends in with the yellow-ish object too much. The wings look satisfactory.
08:15, 13th Aug 2009
zombie2279: No changes made, but it's approvable.
zombie2279: The hugest problem of this icon is that it's rather crowded. The smaller pieces of detail blend into each other and make the icon look a bit messy. Work on the 64x64 by putting more contrast on the outlines of the guy (not the wings in particular) and I think you should choose a different color for the background, this yellow-ish scheme blends in with the yellow-ish object too much. The wings look satisfactory.
08:15, 13th Aug 2009
zombie2279: No changes made, but it's approvable.