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Hell yeah, everybody now does icons again,
here do I!

I started simple, so if you have improvements and suggestions /critique, please post so!

// by Anachron

Edit: Worked alot on the shadows and details of the sword.
Update 2: Worked alot on sharpening and made it darker. Also made some fixes on the colour entities.

Sword, Pain, Poison, Attack,

BTNSwordOfPain3 (Icon)

07:59, 2nd Aug 2009 zombie2279: Weird. The outlines are awkwardly overtoned, the shading is linear and therefore weird, it somehow lacks a realistic 3D perspecite and looks rather flat. 8:29, 5th Aug 2009 zombie2279: No changes made, 3,5.




07:59, 2nd Aug 2009
zombie2279: Weird. The outlines are awkwardly overtoned, the shading is linear and therefore weird, it somehow lacks a realistic 3D perspecite and looks rather flat.

8:29, 5th Aug 2009
zombie2279: No changes made, 3,5.
Level 10
Apr 18, 2009
Hey man, can't you add some kind of glassy crystal effect to that blade? That would certainly be awesome!

Just joking. ^^
It's a fine icon. I look forward to seeing the final result. :)
Level 16
Jun 25, 2008
that black stroke has to go. It looks awkward. The whole icon kinda looks weird, to forced in my opinion, doesn't assemble much to pain either, sorry.

Like, why is there straight green blades coming out of a something shaped like a blade but textured like a pickle?

I would remake it totally because I doubt you'll get very far with this at it's current state

And please understand why I am harsh towards your icons, I don't comment a lot of icons but when I do I try to help instead of posting and I want you to evolve :D
"5/5 nice"
"3.4646/5 cool icon bro"
"4/5 but fix shadings"