Fantastic, an excellent replica of the original Blizzard style, and sure as hell useful.
However, I must notice that the original ladder Spirit Wolf icon has a faint bluish touch to the icon, around 25% on the shadows, and very gentle bluish glow around the wolf itself - that's what makes the icon pop, and removes consistency of the purple color from the icon, making it not look plain more you look at it.
Also, Panda made a good statement with which I agree, the upper jaw part seems to have a little off line, and I'm talking about the curve where the jaws meet. It makes the snout look flat, and causing a domino effect of removing the focus from the light source, which is nose and eyes area, downwards towards the jaw, which also features a shadowless tongue. Now, if you take a look at some references, you'll notice that the snout very, very rarely distorts in shape other than nearly a perfect straight line ( ).
Apart from those tiny issues, I do love this icon and I'll go ahead and shoot it for 4/5. Excellent work.