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This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
The Skorpion is a Czechoslovak 7.65 mm submachine gun (often classified as a machine pistol), developed in the 1950s by Miroslav Rybář (1924–1970) and produced under the official designation Samopal vzor 61 ("submachine gun model 1961") by the Česká Zbrojovka arms factory in Uherský Brod.

enjoy !

machinepistol, machine, submachine gun, gun, modern warfare, weapon,

BTNScorpion (Icon)

14:23, 23rd Nov 2009 enjoy: Needs more shading, highlights and difinition. Doesn't look like metal. enjoy: Define it more.




14:23, 23rd Nov 2009
enjoy: Needs more shading, highlights and difinition. Doesn't look like metal.

enjoy: Define it more.
Level 4
Aug 23, 2009

Here is the example of picture how a scorpion looks like and I have no idea what you mean perhaps you can give me an example on how should it looks like?

I understand that warcraft icon need more shading and you agree with it too but the reasons I draw the icon in this style is to make it more realistic rather than following what majority are doing.

Maybe you can describe what is more scorpion style? And I will look into it. :D
Level 10
Jun 7, 2009
It still looks like its made of plastic, and the deal with that is...
*Try making it a darker color, it should help with the highlights and shading. And really, no gun is made out of really light steel.
*Further on, like in your pic, instead of making it <gray/white> try making it <gray/blue>, that should help with the realism, too.
*I got a really good review from oh_snap, and it would apply to you, too. Just that mine was about shading, your icon doesn't got any. But well, you might as well give it a look.

Mob_glock review by oh_snap: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/1250932-post12.html

*also, go look at other guns that has already been made, look at the shading, source of light and so on.
*Giving it an angle could help improve the overall feeling of the icon.