Werewulf: Its okay, but there is too much red, make it so the red bg is a red glow on a black bg and ill see.
EDIT: I went to test your icon, i dled and it was there. Your icon is also rather dull to note, if possible while you get it ready again add it so its more flary and wavy possibly.
EDIT: Sorry for the delay, the system was changed and i lost track of your icon, the icons are still not in the dled zip.
Werewulf: This is ..getting too far of a fuss, just resubmit when it works =_=
EDIT: I went to test your icon, i dled and it was there. Your icon is also rather dull to note, if possible while you get it ready again add it so its more flary and wavy possibly.
EDIT: Sorry for the delay, the system was changed and i lost track of your icon, the icons are still not in the dled zip.
Werewulf: This is ..getting too far of a fuss, just resubmit when it works =_=